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Eulerich, Marc Hucke, Anja Bassen, Alexander Pedell, Burkhard Baetge, Jörg Bantleon, Ulrich Ratzinger-Sakel, Nicole V. S. Arcy, Anne d' Cauers, Lutz Köhler, Annette G. Busch, Roland Knoll, Matthias Puck, Jonas Mori, Michiyo Roßbach, Christine Bantleon, Ulrich Grabensberger, Sonja Busch, Roland Exner, Karin Warncke, Markus Prügger, Patrick Rohrer, Leopold Ruthner, Raoul Harnacke, Ulrich M. Hoos, Florian Niedermayr-Kruse, Rita Burri, Stefan Brebeck, Frank Wagenhofer, Alfred Leuz, Christian Kochetova-Kozloski, Natalia Dockner, Engelbert J. Schmidt, Christoph Hommelhoff, Peter Haas, Christian Budin, Constantin Duppati, Geeta Faff, Robert W. Matlani, Neha Hennrichs, Joachim Pellens, Bernhard Langenbucher, Katja Füllbier, Rolf Koch, Christopher Lindorfer, Robert Merkt, Hanno Pöschke, Moritz Sellhorn, Thorsten Hucke, Anja Reutterer, Thomas All co-authors governance national empirical investigation lines ifrs integrated coordination challenges systems bilanzrecht model corporate degree determination functions vergleich comparison maturity defense risk regulation bilanzierungsgrundsätze regulierung drivers accounting internal risikomanagement rechnungswesen markt assurance organization jahresabschluss financial effects thesen aktuelle audit umsetzung bilanzierung effective control management important different results organizations professional interne revision implementing innovation goodwill research implementation defence modell besseren empirische market capital chief executive setting anne arcy companies prüfungsausschuss neuer richtlinie controlling entwicklungen quality reports levels information level data activities tlod stakeholders determinants extent respective geschäftswert europa europe japan geschäftsbericht Öffentlichkeitsarbeit informationswert aktualisierung international practices framework select oil price prediction models effect statistical performance metrics sentiment scores institutional investor impulse anlass falles cross differences factor
Composed terms corporate governance empirical investigation interne revision integrated governance accounting law degree determination national accounting accounting systems new economy lines defense defense model determination national systems empirical internal audit accounting standards coordination challenges financial statement drivers maturity maturity integrated intangible assets assurance functions immaterielle werte balancing accounts governance organizations organizations empirical challenges implementing implementing lines lines defence defence modell modell besseren besseren corporate chief audit audit executive anne arcy eu richtlinie aktuelle entwicklungen investigation degree maturity levels risk management internal control management control governance functions governance stakeholders extent coordination respective governance three lines of defence modell bilanzielle bewertung accounting valuation corporate annual report public relations information value investigation drivers professional practices practices framework framework interne revision select select oil oil price price prediction prediction models models effect effect statistical statistical financial financial performance metrics sentiment scores coordination model effects effects institutional investor ownership innovation lines model lines lines model model impulse governance thesen stärkung corporate governance anlass wirecard falles falles coordination model reviewing reviewing ifrs ifrs goodwill goodwill accounting accounting research effects cross karin exner art eu
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Anne D'Arcy Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: Anne d' Arcy Anne Christine D'Arcy Anne Christine d' Arcy B: 1968
Profession Betriebswirtin
Affiliations Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main Universität Wien Deutsche Börse AG Deutsche Bank (Frankfurt am Main)
Publishing years Series Working paper series / Finance and accounting / Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften (4) AutoUni-Schriftenreihe (1) Betriebswirtschaftliche Studien, Rechnungs- und Finanzwesen, Organisation und Institution (1) SFB-Forschungsberichte (1)