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Lima, Francisco Karaöz, Murat Preto, Miguel Torres Mendonça, Joana Amaral, A. Miguel Thurik, Adriaan R. Costa, Carla Madruga, Paulo Escária, Vítor Manuel Alvares Ribeiro, António Sérgio Leitão, João Swann, Peter Kraus, Sascha Cheng, Cheng-Feng Mogos, Serban Parker, Simon C. Stel, Adriaan J. van Conde, Paulo Preto, Miguel Torres Mendonc̦a, Joana Batool, Syeda Nimra Carias, Cristina Klepper, Steven Burke, Andrew Davis, Alex Millán Morera de la Vall, José María Sanchis Llopis, Juan Alberto Naia, Ana Alomani, Abeer Amaral, Miguel Athreye, Suma Pereira, Dina Kallmünzer, Andreas Westhead, Paul Matos, Catarina Seco All co-authors unternehmensgründung entrepreneurship firms portugal new industries effects growth humankapital entry firm region regionalentwicklung regional entrants institutions time beschäftigungseffekt entrepreneurial human molds workers industry business markteintritt capital turbulence creation supply data wissenstransfer selbstständige small related portuguese unemployment study collocation paper lag arbeitslosigkeit performance start markets entrepreneurs skills development education based declining job case government relationship formation higher political regulation entrepreneur local using model skilled level whether associated improvements cultural values agglomerationseffekt qualifikation unternehmer unternehmenswachstum unternehmenserfolg labor force wage inequality resources set analysis role startups clusters selective heritage impact success
Composed terms business start up entrepreneurship approach human capital regional development employment effect regionales cluster regional cluster market entry new firm knowledge transfer self employed small firms unemployment portugal related industries firm entry entrepreneurship unemployment firm performance firms related molds plastics plastics industries supply effects new entrants agglomeration effect occupational qualification firm growth oecd staaten oecd countries turbulence growth declining industries entrepreneurship regional development job creation case case portugal relationship entrepreneurship effects new innovation diffusion portuguese molds parent firms declining markets time lag cultural values knowledge management economic growth business network market exit schrumpfende märkte spillover effekt spillover effect sales growth entrepreneurial clusters selective review entrepreneurial skills skills workers workers wages wages small entrepreneurship human impact human growth declining portugal outlier firm formation higher education education institutions political institutions regulation entry paid employment employment entrepreneurship knowledge bases geographical clusters perform better results suggest matching model skilled workers skilled entrepreneurs product life paper investigates investigates whether whether level level new business formation region stimulates employment region region study study looks looks lag lag structure structure effects effects using data set covering fairly fairly large time span
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Rui Baptista Biblio: Centro de Estudos de Gestão, Instituto Superior Técnico (CEG-IST), Universidade de Lisboa ; Dep. of Social and Decision Sciences, Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa. ; Dep. of Engineering and Management, Centre for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research IN+, Inst. Superior Técnico, Technical Univ. of Lisbon
Affiliations Brunel Business School Max-Planck-Institut für Ökonomik
Publishing years Series Jena economics research papers (3) Papers on entrepreneurship, growth and public policy (3) Foundations and trends in entrepreneurship (2) International studies in entrepreneurship (1) Jena Economic Research Paper (1) International journal of entrepreneurship and small business (1) International journal of technology, policy and management : IJTPM (1) Technology and the firm (1)