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All co-authors japan productivity firms service produktivität evidence sector trade analysis public secrets survey firm using japanese level data risk dienstleistungssektor coronavirus risiko covid patents companies arbeitsproduktivität uncertainty directors private lohnstruktur covid 19 role empirical wirkungsanalyse wages innovation lohn labor structure sectors foreign pandemic industries density higher innovations telearbeit telework effects business volatility employment relatively prognoseverfahren unternehmenserfolg patent workers large home panel working economic types education paper according estimation holding erwerbstätigkeit robot schätzung volatilität frühindikator dienstleistungshandel market artificial intelligence relationships forecasts investment services energy lower innovative product positive roboter epidemie epidemic wirtschaftsprognose qualifikation outcomes work crisis policies forecast comparison policy company urban population differences second quantitatively industrie regulation skill tfp prognose
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Masayuki Morikawa Dr. Alternative spellings: M. Morikawa B: 1959 Biblio: Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan ; Research Institute of Economic Trade and Industry ; Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Tokyo, Japan ; National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series RIETI discussion paper series (58) RIETI policy discussion paper series (3) CAMA Working Paper (3) CAMA working paper series (3) AJRC Working Paper (2) GLO discussion paper (1) Crawford School Research Paper (1) Discussion paper / Research Institute of International Trade and Industry (1)