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Liberati, Paolo Pazienza, Maria Grazia Salvemini, Giancarlo Bardazzi, Rossella Iafrate, Francesca Vega Pansini, Rosaria Pollastri, Corrado Pedone, Antonio Cepparulo, Alessandra Pisano, Elena Longobardi, Ernesto Zanardi, Alberto Giuriato, Luisa Emiliani, Nicoletta Pisauro, Giuseppe All co-authors italy italien tax sul politica italian experience una einkommensverteilung einkommensteuer inflation distributional households reddito della welfare government empirical personal income delle verteilungswirkung mikrosimulation microsimulation länderfinanzen finanzpolitik wohlfahrtsanalyse impacts mitigation policies successful vulnerable energy poor riforma
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Francesca Gastaldi Biblio: Tätig an Univ. di Roma "La Sapienza"
Publishing years Series Economia / Teoria economica, pensiero economico (1) DAE working paper (1)