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Conroy, Tessa Zahran, Sammy Mushinski, David W. Low, Sarah A. Thompson, Eric C. Henderson, Jason R. Cutler, Harvey Stephen Fan, Chuen-mei England, Scott Low, Sarah Underwood, Anthony Iverson, Terrence Novack, Nancy Scorsone, Eric Johannsson, Hannes Deming, Kristopher Hammond, George W. Loomis, John B. Shulman, Steven Petach, Luke Drabenstott, Mark Lindell, Michael K. Highfield, Wesley E. Zerlentes, Becky Brody, Samuel David Hewings, Geoffrey Landini, Austin Suryo, Robin Spiezia, Vincenzo Hoag, Dana L. McFadden, Dawn Thilmany McKenney, Nicole Seidl, Andrew Silverstein, Jesse Chalmers, Kace Lacey, Erin Rogers, William Richardson, Robby Shwiff, Stephanie Theobald, David Loveridge, Scott Cutler, Harvey Totten, Greg Kacher, Nicholas Lacey King, Erin Stewart, Eric Stephenson, Kendall Manning, Dale Shields, Martin Hogler, Raymond Jablonski, B. B. R. Levitt, Ryan Bernasek, Alexandra Widner, Benjamin Richardson, Robert B. All co-authors local economic rural national data entrepreneurship park designation labor changes impact business natural retail markets capital rates geographic level effects visitation economy public using approach unternehmensgründung naturschutzgebiet bank performance recovery covid crisis employment model entrepreneurs signaling job impacts establishment metropolitan counties state taxes urban amenities conditions time areas new paper coronavirus manufacturing regionalentwicklung erwerbstätigkeit unternehmer evidence recession banking immigration low innovation factors spatial experiment effect fiscal factor distance policy structural potential analysis support need gfc results current signals parks appear non formation stock encourages greater kreditgeschäft einwanderung signalling urlaubsverhalten entwicklungsplanung density paycheck protection program geography expansion growth implications
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Stephan Weiler Alternative spellings: S. Weiler Biblio: Tätig am Dep. of Economics, Colorado State Univ., USA; Tätig am Center for the Study of Rural America, Federal Reserve Bank, Kansas City
Publishing years Series Research working papers / Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (2)