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Pinto Prades, José Luis Bleichrodt, Han Sánchez Martínez, Fernando Ignacio Martínez Pérez, Jorge Eduardo Méndez Martínez, Ildefonso Cuadras-Morató, Xavier Méndez Martínez, Ildefonso Mendez-Martinez, Ildefonso Martínez Pérez, Jorge Eduardo Martínez Pérez, Jorge E. Mendez, Ildefonso Badia, Xabier Herrero Blanco, Carmen García-Calvente, María del Mar García-Mochón, Leticia Peña Longobardo, Luz María Oliva, Juan Ruiz-López, Juan-José Badía Llach, Xabier All co-authors utilities qaly test trade gesundheitsökonomik profiles models using care descriptive consistency axiomatic erwartungsnutzen based approach performance rank dependent domain predictive validity linear expected bargaining power tto value study testing analysis prospect equity rdu paper used results suggest loss aversion gauge durations solutions zahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse willingness valuation life context evidence standard gamble vida health non difference probability considerations tests eut medical rdut people treatments research risky exponential chronic states model violations short resource allocation problems different spain spanien glücksspiel gambling bewertung evaluation menschen humans verkehrsunfall allokation verhandlungstheorie gesundheit spanish
Composed terms time trade health economics health profiles kosten nutzen analyse cost benefit analysis expected utility rank dependent dependent utility predictive validity qaly models trade utilities health care axiomatic bargaining prospect theory testing descriptive descriptive performance performance rank utility domain domain health test predictive consistency test test time loss aversion gauge durations willingness to pay contingent valuation validity non non linear linear qaly models using using time utility measurement equity considerations considerations health care axiomatic bargaining approach tto utilities power qaly qaly model results suggest short gauge resource allocation allocation problems different solutions wert des menschenlebens value of life traffic accident bargaining theory spanish value value set set sf sf based based sf sf determinants determinants willingness willingness pay pay willingness willingness accept accept valuation valuation informal informal care care cuidarse cuidarse study study value value statistical statistical life life context context road road safety safety new new evidence evidence contingent valuation standard standard gamble gamble chained chained approach approach esperanza esperanza vida vida sostenibilidad sostenibilidad del del sistema sistema sanitario sanitario testing profiles qaly qaly based based cost effectiveness analysis analysis test utilities lowering floor sf sf scoring scoring algorithm using sf sf value el valor la vida
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
José María Abellán Perpiñán Alternative spellings: José Ma. Abellán Perpiñán José-María Abellán Perpiñán José-María Abellán Perpiñán José-María Abellán-Perpiñán José M. Abellán Perpiñán J. M. Abellan Perpiñan Biblio: Tätig an der Univ. of Murcia, Murcia, Spain
Publishing years Series Working papers / Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Department of Economics and Business (5) UPF Economics and Business Working Paper (1)