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Years of publications: 1999 - 2024

202 records from EconBiz based on author Name Information logo

1. Interindustry Wage Differences and Industry Characteristics


This paper examines the extent of interindustry wage differences for nonunion workers and finds that even after controlling for a wide range of individual characteristics and geographic location a substantial amount of individual wage variation can be accounted for by industry differences. In the aggregate industry effects explain at least 6.7% of inter-personal wage variation. At most they explain 30%. While the importance of industry differences is clear, the reasons for the differences are more difficult to establish. Independent of the problems of interpreting the correlates of industry differences, even the sign of the relation of many variables with wages is difficult to establish when other variables are included as controls. This conclusion is suggested by a literature review and confirmed by an analysis of a large number of alternative specifications of an industry wage equation using individual wage data from the CPS and industry characteristics from a number of recent sources. Only industry average education and industry profitability have the same (positive) sign in every specification and in all the studies reviewed. Of these two only average education was nearly always significantly related to wages. Average establishment size had a nearly consistent positive relation. What does emerge from the analysis is a pattern of correlations. There appears to be one major dimension (and perhaps other less important dimensions) along which industries differ. A principal components analysis of an industry characteristics data set is used to demonstrate this. High wage industries have lower quit rates, higher labor productivity, fewer women, more educated workers, longer work weeks, a higher ratio of nonwage to wage compensation, higher unionization rates, larger establishments and firms, higher concentration ratios and are more profitable. An analysis of a limited number of industry characteristics in 1939 yields a similar pattern. The implications of these results for alternative theories of wage determination are considered

Dickens, William T.; Katz, Lawrence F.;
Availability: Link

2. Testing Dual Labor Market Theory : a Reconsideration of the Evidence


This paper replicates and extends our earlier analysis of dual market theory. We use a technique which estimates for each worker a probability of being in the primary sector on the basis of his characteristics. We use this information to determine the occupational and industrial composition of the sectors. We continue to produce results which are very supportive of the theory. In studies by other authors, workers were "assigned" to the primary or secondary sector on the basis of the industry or occupation in which they are employed and educated guesses about the industries or occupations which make up the two sectors. We find that previous studies, which produced mixed and inconclusive results, had serious misclassification problems. In the cases examined, at least half of all full time prime age male workers identified as being in the secondary sector by these classification schemes are found to have a high probability of primary sector attachment. Past studies which were most supportive of dual market theory are found to have had the least severe misclassification problems

Dickens, William T.; Lang, Kevin;
Availability: Link

3. Do Labor Rents Justify Strategic Trade and Industrial Policy?


Several efficiency wage theories of wage determination have the property that identical workers are more productive in high wage industries and that the promotion of employment in high wage industries can increase GDP (and some measures of welfare). I argue that while policies to favor high wage industries may increase productivity, the effects in developed economies are likely to be very small. This is mainly because the workers who fill the high wage vacancies will come from fairly high wage jobs

Dickens, William T.;
Availability: Link

4. A Goodness of Fit Test of Dual Labor Market Theory


We subject our dual labor market model to a goodness of test fit and compare the results with those obtained using a single equation model with a complex error structure. The dual labor market does an excellent job of predicting the wage distribution except for failing to explain bunching at $7.50 and $10.00 per hour. The null hypothesis that the model is correct cannot be rejected at the .05 level. In contrast, the wage distribution predicted by the single labor market model differs significantly from the observed distribution

Dickens, William T.; Lang, Kevin;
Availability: Link

5. Assuming the Can Opener : Hedonic Wage Estimates and the Value of Life


Although intuitively appealing, the use of hedonic wage estimates to determine people's willingness to pay to avoid the risk of fatal hazards is fraught with problems. The theoretical basis for such estimates are flawed in a number of important ways. The underlying behavioral model is wrong, there is imperfect information about job hazards, and labor markets do not look like the perfectly competitive model on which the theory depends for its conclusions. Further, there are many serious problems with the techniques used to estimate hedonic wage equations. This paper describes these problems. Not surprisingly, these problems result in a wide range of results with respect to willingness to pay to avoid fatal hazards. It is argued that this wide range of results is not fully apparent in the literature because of the bias in publication towards positive as opposed to negative findings. The paper concludes that it is unlikely that economics has much to contribute to the public policy debate over the value of a life

Dickens, William T.;
Availability: Link

6. Bilateral Search as an Explanation for Labor Market Segmentation and Other Anomalies


Since applying for jobs is costly, workers prefer applying where their employment probability is high and, therefore, to jobs attracting fewer higher quality applicants. Since creating vacancies is expensive, firms create more vacancies when job-seeking is high. Our model captures these ideas and accounts for worker heterogeneity by assuming three types of nearly identical workers. These infinitesimal quality differences generate a discrete wage distribution. For some parameter values lower quality workers have discretely lower wages and higher unemployment than better workers. Moreover, increasing the number of the lowest quality workers can make all workers better off

Lang, Kevin; Dickens, William T.;
Availability: Link

7. Labor Market Segmentation Theory : Reconsidering the Evidence


We argue that Labor Market Segmentation theory is a good alternative to standard views of the labor market. Since it is sometimes argued that labor market segmentation theory is untestable, we first consider the uses of theory and the attributes of a good theory. We then argue that labor market segmentation has these attributes. It is internally consistent and is based on plausible assumptions about behavior and technology. More significantly, many of the predictions of the theory have been tested and confirmed. Further, from a dynamic view the theory has done quite well. When the theory has suggested new tests, far more often than not the predictions have been validated. Labor market segmentation theory has had to make little recourse to post-hoc explanations for unexpected empirical results. In contrast, human capital theory has required a series of post-hoc rationalizations to explain a large and growing body of empirical work motivated by the labor market segmentation perspective. Finally, we consider the implications of labor market segmentation theory for the practice of labor economics. We argue that further exploration of the implications of the theory for unemployment, trade. industrial policy and income distribution will provide useful insights and further tests of the theory

Dickens, William T.; Lang, Kevin;
Availability: Link

8. Crime and Punishment Again : the Economic Approach with a Psychological Twist


Akerlof and Dickens (1982) suggested that in a model of criminal behavior which considered the effects of cognitive dissonance, increasing the severity of punishment could increase the crime rate. This paper demonstrates that that conjecture was correct. With cognitive dissonance, people may have to rationalize not committing crimes under normal circumstances if punishment is not severe. The rationalization may lead them to underestimate the expected utility of committing crimes when opportunities present themselves. If punishment is severe, then rationalization may not be necessary and people may be more likely to commit crimes when opportunities arise

Dickens, William T.;
Availability: Link

9. Labor Market Segmentation and the Union Wage Premium


Studies of the earnings of union workers have consistently shown that they earn considerably more than nonunion workers. This paper considers whether part of this observed union/nonunion differential is due to unions organizing high paying primary sector jobs. We extend our earlier work on the dual labor market in which we used an unknown regime switching regression to identify two labor market sectors --a high wage primary sector and a low wage secondary sector. Here we estimate a model where worker's wages are determined by one of three wage equations: a union wage equation, a nonunion primary equation or a nonunion secondary equation. If individuals are in the union sector their sector is treated as known. If they are not then their sector is treated as unknown. Parameter estimates for this model suggest that union/nonunion differences are very large for average workers even when comparing union and nonunion primary workers. We continue to find distinct primary and secondary sectors with wage equations similar to those that would be expected from the dual market perspective. Since it appears that union workers may be receiving large wage premiums it seems likely that there is non-price rationing of union jobs. If there is, our finding inprevious papers of non-price rationing of primary sector jobs may have been due only to the rationing of union jobs. We test for the existence of non-price rationing of nonunion primary sector employment in this three sector model and continue to find evidence that at least black workers find it difficult to secure primary sector employment

Dickens, William T.; Lang, Kevin;
Availability: Link

10. Structural Changes in Unionization : 1973-1981


This paper presents a decomposition of the decline in union density into structural and within sector components using CPS data for private sector workers. We find that 58 to 68 percent of the decline in private sector unionization between 1973 and 1981 can be accounted for by structural changes in the economy, particularly in the occupational, educational and gender distribution of the workforce. This is a large impact, but we find that while structural change is important, its importance was not appreciably greate during the 1970s than during previous decades. At the same time, we find that the decline of private sector unionization within sectors has been pervasive, accounting for 32 to 42 percent of union decline. As part of this analysis we find that the decline in union density has been greater in those sectors of the economy where employment decline has been greater. This fact can help reconcile previous divergent findings on the importance of structural change

Dickens, William T.; Leonard, Jonathan S.;
Availability: Link

The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata

Ebru Voyvoda

Yrd. Doç. Dr.

Alternative spellings:
E. Voyvoda
Ebru Voyoda


  • Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
  • Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi. Iktisat Bölümü
  • Bilkent Üniversitesi. Department of Economics
  • External links

  • Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
  • Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)
  • Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
  • NACO Authority File
  • Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
  • International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI)

  • Publishing years



    1. ERC working papers in economics (5)
    2. Koç University - TÜSİAD Economic Research Forum working paper series (3)
    3. Discussion papers / Turkish Economic Association (2)
    4. Working papers / The Levy Economics Institute (1)
    5. Levy Economics Institute, Working Paper Series (1)