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Zemsky, Peter Kapoor, Rahul Levinthal, Daniel A. Silverman, Brian S. Oxley, Joanne E. Rangan, Subramanian Chen, Jianqing Zhu, Feng Csaszar, Felipe A. Leavy, Brian Feiler, Daniel Euchner, James A. Roehl, Heiko Euchner, Jim Lewis, Joshua Snow, Daniel C. Snow, Daniel Pólos, Lazló Ryall, Michael Sorenson, Olav Helfat, Constance E. Klingebiel, Ronald All co-authors firms performance market strategy relatedness competitive business firm competition boundaries wettbewerb platform innovation technological model greater value success technologies emergence industry challenges knowledge increases depends konsumentenverhalten unternehmenserfolg disruptive production affect face change new real positions extent effect non choices advantage resource based standalone components integrated external halbleiterindustrie ron adner decisions positioning generations options diversify collaboration managing heterogeneity formal profits content way degree use characterize relative literature debates discount competitiveness actors innovationsmanagement realoptionsansatz inference manage disruption foci make linking lens management application dynamics corporate dynamic owners generate sales different utilities incentives owner difference important social
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Ron Adner Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: R. Adner B: 1970 Biblio: Fachgebiete: Strategie, Unternehmertum
Profession Economist Speaker
Affiliations Strategy Insight Group Dartmouth College
Publishing years Series Faculty & research / Insead : working paper series (9) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (2) Management on the cutting edge series (1) Working papers / Harvard Business School, Division of Research (1) Tuck School of Business working paper / Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth (1) Advances in strategic management : a research annual (1) Advances in Strategic Management Ser. (1) Advances in strategic management (1) R & D / Institut Eropéen d'Administration des Affaires ; Corporate Renewal Initiative : working papers (1)