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Kubin, Ingrid Petraglia, Carmelo Sushko, Iryna Bougheas, Spiros P. Pinto, Antonio Panico, Carlo Gardini, Laura Currie, Martin Cánovas, Jose S. Zörner, Thomas Foroni, Ilaria Agliari, Anna Matilla-García, Mariano Varela, Luis M. Tuinstra, Jan Sordi, Serena Kayam, Saime Suna Grafeneder-Weissteiner, Theresa Sushko, Iryna Filoso, Valerio Mossay, Pascal De Benedictis, Luca Basile, Roberto Mossay, P. Salvadori, Neri Eatwell, John Fosco, Giovanni Bernardo, Giovanni D'Acunto, Salvatore All co-authors economic dynamics distribution geography growth analysis new dynamic verteilungstheorie wachstumstheorie development projects trade agglomeration complex networks einkommensverteilung konjunktur agglomerationseffekt regional capital markets agents postkeynesianismus financial income inequality good bad economics effects social post keynesian footloose productive public taxation labour location industrial special perspective nonlinear results banking finanzsektor wirtschaftswachstum complexity changes industry integration international costs network issue region interactions source residence geographical topics dynamical goods different government introduce banks finanzprodukt keynesianismus wirtschaftstheorie netzwerk regionalentwicklung wirtschaftsgeographie arbeitsmarktflexibilität beschäftigungseffekt pasinetti impact neg market liberalisation macro micro perspectives innovation role versus comparison alternative modelling tools discrete time spatial structures introduction services forms spending firms expenditure comparative institutional sector matsuyama lapping generations neoclassical captures benefits advanced facilitate allocates resources activities hamper progress invests contribute formation economy achieves higher prone incomes handelsliberalisierung wirtschaftsgeografie link air
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Pasquale Commendatore Alternative spellings: P. Commendatore Biblio: Tätig am Dipartimento di Teoria Economica e Applicazioni, Univ. of Naples "Federico II", Napoli, Italy
Publishing years Series Department of Economics working paper (4) Discussion papers : collana di e-papers del Dipartimento di economia e management, Università di Pisa : discussion paper (1) CESifo working papers (1) CESifo Working Paper (1) Discussion papers / National Institute of Economic and Social Research (1) Routledge studies in the history of economics (1) Review of international economics (1) Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems : LNEMS (1) SpringerLink / Bücher (1) Dynamic modeling and econometrics in economics and finance (1) Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance (1) Working papers / Department of Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (1) Working papers series: growth and employment in Europe : sustainability and competitiveness (1)