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Kupets, Olga Lehmann, Hartmut FitzRoy, Felix R. Mélitz, Jacques Featherstone, Allen M. Petersen, Hans-Georg Slobodyan, Sergey Weikard, Hans-Peter Esanov, Akram Noorbakhsh, Abbas All co-authors trade job uzawa employment evidence flows liberalization effects schätzung estimation case market equilibria curvature bulgarien eigentümerstruktur polen note translog cost function ukraine
Composed terms job flows ownership structure translog cost employment effects effects ukraine evidence bulgaria job creation job destruction destruction trade emu eu integration consumption trade liberalization liberalization employment uzawa partials creation job euro area monetary union europäische integration european integration employment effect international trade pattern note uzawa uzawa partial partial elasticities elasticities substitution substitution case case translog
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Atanas Christev Dr. Alternative spellings: Atanas Christev Christev A. Christev Biblio: Tätig am CERT und Dep. of Economics, Heriot-Watt Univ., Edinburgh, Scotland (2002-); Tätig am IZA, Bonn, Germany
Publishing years Series Finanzwissenschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge / Special series, Industrial and social policies in countries in transition (3) CERT discussion paper (2) Discussion paper series / IZA (2) IZA Discussion Paper (1) Working paper (1) Quaderni - working paper DSE / Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Department of Economics (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (1) Série des documents de travail / Centre de Recherche en Économie et Statistique (1) Discussion paper series (1) Finanzwissenschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge / Special series / S (1)