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Linnenluecke, Martina K. Whaley, Robert E. Benson, Karen Salmona, Michelle Zhu, Yushu Pan, Zheyao Ling, Xin Chen, Xiaoyan Linnenluecke, Martina Faff, Robert W. Bollen, Nicolas P. B. Han, Jianlei Kaczynski, Dan Hillier, David Walsh, Kathleen Wright, Sue Brammer, Stephen Shi, Jing Branicki, Layla Howieson, Bryan Powell, John Gregory Meath, Cristyn Rekker, Saphira Sidhu, Baljit K. Roberts, John Whaley, Robert Tsekeris, Athanasios Sidhu, Baljit McColgan, Patrick Matolcsy, Zoltan DaSilva Rosa, Raymond Spiropoulos, Helen Yermack, David L. Zhou, Qing Swan, Peter L. Taylor, Stephen L. Barraclough, Kathryn Shan, Yaowen Walter, Terry S. McKnight, Brent Brown, Philip Deegan, Craig Robinson, David T. Gippel, Jennifer Tutticci, Irene Yahyaei, Hamid Boyle, Glenn W. Clout, Victoria Salmona, Michelle Guthrie, James Shen, Yun Deng, Kebin Singh, Abhay All co-authors grand challenges inventory holding spread market finanzmarkt management premium agenda accounting practice adverse selection maker australia finance australian science framework bid ask fossil fuel companies strategic cost empirical current distinct responses paper social researchers practices australien rechnungswesen kapitaleinkommen evidence qualitative business carbon effects announcement using attributes achievements advancement modeling measuring influential publications design compensation asia pacific literature viewpoints option returns regimes climate challenge examine different view existing issue explore study model price tick size costs components organisational change inquiry complex approach geldpolitik klimaschutz ankündigungseffekt börsenkurs emissionshandel bibliometrie bibliometrics klimawandel regressionsanalyse international transmission monetary policy shocks bank lending channel conduct research resilience public universities institutions fail unless vice chancellors rethink broken commercial models tax leverage china markets drive low wealth scheme celebrating year set art
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Tom Smith Prof. Frank Finn Prof. of Finance Alternative spellings: T. Smith Biblio: Macquarie Business School, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, Australia ; Tätig an der School of Finance and Applied Statistics, Australian National Univ., Canberra, Australia ; Frank Finn Professor of Finance in the UQ Business School, University of Queensland
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