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35 records from EconBiz based on author Name
1. Economic implications of further harmonisation of electronic communications regulation in the EU
abstractA European debate over measures ostensibly to fully achieve a single market for electronic communications across the EU was brought to a head by the European Commission's 2013 proposed Telecoms Single Market (TSM) legislative package. The Commission apparently hoped to achieve a Single European Market for electronic communications solely by means of regulatory harmonisation. The Commission's proposal can serve as the basis for important reflections on harmonisation at European level. Why do we seek regulatory harmonisation? How does harmonisation differ from uniformity? What benefits flow from centralisation, and what benefits from decentralisation? Is the European Union in fact a Union? To what extent do the Member States differ from one another in ways that are not readily altered in the near term? What economic consequences (beyond those already achieved by the current regulatory framework) might be expected from more extensive harmonisation of European electronic communication? What do these considerations tell us about the degree of harmonisation that is desirable, and the degree that is realistically achievable? The approach taken in this paper can help to clarify thinking as to costs and benefits of stronger harmonisation or centralisation of electronic communications regulation, but we do not claim that we have evaluated every regulatory possibility, nor that our assessment is definitive. It is a thought exercise that is meant to help clarify the bounds to what can be achieved solely by means of regulatory harmonisation.
Marcus, J. Scott; Gantumur, Tseveen;2015
Type: Konferenzbeitrag; Conference paper; Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;
Availability: Link
2. Review of the Significant Market Power (SMP) guidelines : executive summary
abstractThis Study provides support to the European Commission in its revision of the 2002 guidelines on market analysis and the assessment of significant market power for electronic communications networks and services ("2002 SMP Guidelines"). The main issue explored both from an economic and a legal perspective is the concept of joint SMP of telecoms operators for the purpose of ex ante regulation in the electronic communications sector. The Study also analyses developments in the concept of market definition and the finding of individual SMP as well as implications of the proposed European Electronic Communications Code for the market analysis process. In addition, it covers all the sections of the 2002 SMP Guidelines. The analysis is based on a review of competition case-law, detailed case studies of relevant market analyses conducted by NRAs, the analysis of economic evidence and the results of an interactive workshop with BEREC and NRAs, in which various hypothetical market scenarios were considered. The conclusions of the Study regarding joint SMP are based on general competition law principles, drawing in particular from the ECJ's findings in Airtours and Impala. It takes into account particularities of the electronic communications sector and the extensive experience of market regulation by NRAs in order to suggest the main steps that could be taken by NRAs when assessing whether a market is characterised by joint SMP, and the evidence that could be presented, respectively, in the case there is no pre-existing regulation and where such regulation exists and might affect wholesale and retail outcomes.
Godlovitch, Ilsa; Stumpf, Ulrich; Sörries, Bernd; Lucidi, Stefano; Gantumur, Tseveen; Alexiadis, Peter; Negro, Matteo; Zaman, Rakhal; Streel, Alexandre de;2018
Availability: Link
3. Review of the Significant Market Power (SMP) guidelines : annex
Godlovitch, Ilsa; Stumpf, Ulrich; Sörries, Bernd; Lucidi, Stefano; Gantumur, Tseveen; Alexiadis, Peter; Negro, Matteo; Zaman, Rakhal; Streel, Alexandre de;2018
Availability: Link
4. Review of the Significant Market Power (SMP) guidelines : final report
abstractThis Study provides support to the European Commission in its revision of the 2002 guidelines on market analysis and the assessment of significant market power for electronic communications networks and services ("2002 SMP Guidelines"). The main issue explored both from an economic and a legal perspective is the concept of joint SMP of telecoms operators for the purpose of ex ante regulation in the electronic communications sector. The Study also analyses developments in the concept of market definition and the finding of individual SMP as well as implications of the proposed European Electronic Communications Code for the market analysis process. In addition, it covers all the sections of the 2002 SMP Guidelines. The analysis is based on a review of competition case-law, detailed case studies of relevant market analyses conducted by NRAs, the analysis of economic evidence and the results of an interactive workshop with BEREC and NRAs, in which various hypothetical market scenarios were considered. The conclusions of the Study regarding joint SMP are based on general competition law principles, drawing in particular from the ECJ's findings in Airtours and Impala. It takes into account particularities of the electronic communications sector and the extensive experience of market regulation by NRAs in order to suggest the main steps that could be taken by NRAs when assessing whether a market is characterised by joint SMP, and the evidence that could be presented, respectively, in the case there is no pre-existing regulation and where such regulation exists and might affect wholesale and retail outcomes.
Godlovitch, Ilsa; Stumpf, Ulrich; Sörries, Bernd; Lucidi, Stefano; Gantumur, Tseveen; Alexiadis, Peter; Negro, Matteo; Zaman, Rakhal; Streel, Alexandre de;2018
Availability: Link
5. Empirische Erkenntnisse zur Breitbandförderung in Deutschland
Gantumur, Tseveen;2013
Type: Arbeitspapier; Working Paper; Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;
Availability: Link Link
6. Ökonomische Chancen und Risiken einer weitreichenden Harmonisierung und Zentralisierung der TK-Regulierung in Europa
Marcus, J. Scott; Wernick, Christian; Gantumur, Tseveen; Gries, Christin-Isabel;2017
Type: Working Paper;

7. Regulatory, in particular access, regimes for network investment models in Europe : executive summary
abstractIn this study, we seek to understand Europe's future needs for high bandwidth connectivity, the business models for investment in new networks, and how regulation may impact the business case for deployment of very high capacity networks as well as choice and value in services for end-users. We also consider the implications of different governance models for access regulation at EU level. On the basis of this analysis, we evaluate the current access regime and the associated institutional set-up, and present recommendations in these areas for the reform of the EU framework for electronic communications. Key conclusions are that the current framework has been effective in delivering competition in broadband, but has not levelled up the standard of very high capacity broadband in Europe to match EU and international best practice benchmarks, and has not delivered a single market for services to enterprises. The lack of binding Decisions on remedies and complex institutional processes may be partly responsible. We recommend an increased focus on infrastructure competition, geographically targeted regulation and co-investment within an expanded market analysis process, as well as a common approach for business wholesale products. A reformed BEREC could serve to support consistent application of the rules.
Godlovitch, Ilsa; Lemstra, Wolter; Pennings, Christoph; Neumann, Karl-Heinz; Streel, Alexandre de; Stronzik, Marcus; Stumpf, Ulrich; Baldacchino, Vincent; Kroon, Peter; Lucidi, Stefano; Gantumur, Tseveen; Plueckebaum, Thomas; Chaillou, Valérie; Peijl, Sebastiaan van den;2016
Availability: Link
8. Regulatory, in particular access, regimes for network investment models in Europe : final report
abstractIn this study, we seek to understand Europe's future needs for high bandwidth connectivity, the business models for investment in new networks, and how regulation may impact the business case for deployment of very high capacity networks as well as choice and value in services for end-users. We also consider the implications of different governance models for access regulation at EU level. On the basis of this analysis, we evaluate the current access regime and the associated institutional set-up, and present recommendations in these areas for the reform of the EU framework for electronic communications. Key conclusions are that the current framework has been effective in delivering competition in broadband, but has not levelled up the standard of very high capacity broadband in Europe to match EU and international best practice benchmarks, and has not delivered a single market for services to enterprises. The lack of binding Decisions on remedies and complex institutional processes may be partly responsible. We recommend an increased focus on infrastructure competition, geographically targeted regulation and co-investment within an expanded market analysis process, as well as a common approach for business wholesale products. A reformed BEREC could serve to support consistent application of the rules.
Godlovitch, Ilsa; Lemstra, Wolter; Pennings, Christoph; Neumann, Karl-Heinz; Streel, Alexandre de; Stronzik, Marcus; Stumpf, Ulrich; Baldacchino, Vincent; Kroon, Peter; Lucidi, Stefano; Gantumur, Tseveen; Plueckebaum, Thomas; Chaillou, Valérie; Peijl, Sebastiaan van den;2016
Availability: Link
9. Wohlfahrtsökonomische Effekte einer Pure LRIC-Regulierung von Terminierungsentgelten
Gantumur, Tseveen; Henseler-Unger, Iris; Neumann, Karl-Heinz;2016
Type: Working Paper;

10. NGA-Infrastrukturen, Märkte und Regulierungsregime in ausgewählten Ländern
Gantumur, Tseveen; Stumpf, Ulrich;2016
Type: Working Paper;