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Heller, Peter S. Katz, Menachem Koranchelian, Taline Debrun, Xavier Villafuerte, Mauricio Ossowski, Rolando Martin, Edouard Bessaha, Abdelrahmi Symansky, Steven A. Adenauer, Isabell Mineshima, Aiko Banerjee, Abhisek Medas, Paolo A. Hussain, Qaizar Isnawangsih, Agnes Faal, Ebrima Medas, Paulo A. Khan, Tehmina Kim, Kevin Yitae Rasmussen, Tobias N. Oura, Hiroko Schneider, Todd All co-authors fiscal oil aid policy countries finanzpolitik managing selected space scaled role issues statistical appendix making happen world entwicklungsländer entwicklungshilfe schuldenerlass boom institutions sfis paper
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Theo Thomas Biblio: Tätig beim Internat. Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington, DC, USA
Publishing years Series IMF country report (4) Occasional papers / International Monetary Fund (1) IMF Working Paper (1) Research papers / United Nations University, World Institute for Development Economics Research (1) IMF working paper (1) Occasional paper / International Monetary Fund (1)