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Nimon, Kim Ellinger, Andrea D. Schyns, Birgit Werner, Jon M. Discetti, Roberta Sheehan, Maura Rayner, Charlotte Campbell, Alistair Hope, Sara Pilbeam, Stephen Nimon, Kim F. Lunn, Mary Lynn Gubbins, Claire Sadler-Smith, Eugene Garavan, Thomas N. Wong, Wilson Werner, Jon Bond, Heather Tomlinson, Michael Robson, Fiona Fontinha, Rita Wildman, Janet Gifford, Jonny Creaton, Jane Elliott, Carole Tosey, Paul Harrison, Patricia Truss, Aron Rayner, Charlotte All co-authors human resource personalmanagement personalentwicklung development methods coaching professional future humankapital führungskräfteentwicklung personalforschung value business education past present practice social pedagogy perspective standardization hrdq international outsourcing review editorial sharp end role line work
Composed terms human resource human resource management human resource development e learning resource development research methods methods human resource management human capital leadership development wissenschaftliche methode scientific method past present present future management coaching coaching sharp sharp end end role role line line managers managers coaching coaching work atypische beschäftigung non standard employment vocational training human resources social web data analytics diversity management multinationales unternehmen transnational corporation corporate social responsibility value netnography netnography research research hrd hrd learning learning development development employability employability reflective reflective provocation provocation generativity generativity human development navigational navigational challenges challenges blended blended learning learning approach approach teaching teaching business business management management hrd hrd professional professional education education provision provision uk uk past future impact impact professional professional doctorate managers professional practice evaluation evaluation social
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Valerie Anderson Dr. Biblio: Fachgebiet: Human Resource Management
Profession Betriebswirtin Dozentin
Affiliations University of Portsmouth