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fee servicemyocardial infarctioncare marketservice patientscare patientsacute myocardiallevels managedhospitalization dischargepatients hmoday mortalityrelation managedmanaged caremarket shareshare treatmenttreatment elderlyelderly feepatients myocardialintegrierte versorgungheart diseasehealth careinfarction relationcare affectaffect medicalmedical treatmentstreatments nonnon managedpatients altersalters locallocal marketmarket structurestructure physicianphysician behaviorbehavior investigateinvestigate whetherwhether higherhigher levelslevels overalloverall managedshare associatedassociated greatergreater useuse recommendedrecommended therapiestherapies feepatients acuteinfarction usingusing datadata feeservice medicaremedicare beneficiaries
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