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Hernandez, Manuel A. Debie, Philippe Dries, Liesbeth Manda, Julius Hageboeck, Stephan Alene, Arega D. Heijman, Willem Los, Evert Robles, Miguel Pennings, Joost M. E. Moneta, Lorenzo Naumann, Axel Verhulst, Marjolein E. Meijl, Hans van Robles, Luis Miguel Okubo, Kenji Kuntashula, Elias Hao, Jinghui Bijman, Jos Heerink, Nico Tembo, Gelson Huo, Xuexi Dijk, Michiel van Reimer, Jeffrey J. Baller, Lieneke Assefa, Tsion Taye Oude Lansink, Alfons G. J. M. Samson, Gerlinda S. Kassie, Menale Jongeneel, Roelof A. Smeets Kristkova, Zuzana Meuwissen, Miranda P. M. Kahsay, Haftom Bayray Diro, Rahel Logatcheva, Katja Leeuwen, Paul van Trujillo-Barrera, Andres A. Brignoli, Paolo Libenzio Varacca, Alessandro Sckokai, Paolo Baltussen, Willy Drabik, Dušan Galen, Michiel van Ihle, Rico Osgood, Daniel Edward Trujillo-Barrera, Andres Huirne, Ruud van Leeuwen, Paul Wong, Ho Lun All co-authors transmission agricultural market markets volatility major volatilität interdependence crops analysis japan rohstoffderivat prices dutch price evidence impact maize level wheat commodities niederlande netherlands mais preis using particle physics visualization futures supply energy policies horticulture production biofuel france rural weekly monthly basis derivat derivative lieferkette frankreich agrareinkommen agrarproduktion agrargenossenschaft biokraftstoff lebensmittelpreis unravelling jpmorgan spoofing case methods machine learning predict grains monitoring margins food
Composed terms interdependence volatility transmission major major crops commodity derivative spillover effekt spillover effect market interdependence farm income ländlicher raum rural area using particle dutch horticulture agricultural production volatility transmission price volatility market power supply chain food price corn wheat wheat soybean weekly monthly monthly basis limit order book eu staaten eu countries energy policy agricultural cooperative probit modell probit model panel data consumer surplus unravelling jpmorgan jpmorgan spoofing spoofing case case using particle physics physics visualization visualization methods methods machine machine learning learning predict predict grains grains futures futures prices prices monitoring monitoring prices prices margins margins eu eu food food supply supply chains chains existing existing alternative alternative approaches approaches intraday intraday liquidity liquidity soybean soybean complex complex futures futures markets markets firm firm specific specific responses responses energy energy policies policies dutch horticulture explaining explaining output output price price heterogeneity heterogeneity dutch horticulture worlds worlds collide collide using physics tools tools visualize visualize limit limit order order book book effects effects input production household
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Cornelis Gardebroek Dr. Alternative spellings: Koos Gardebroek B: 1973 Source:
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Profession Agrarökonom
Affiliations Wageningen Universiteit
Publishing years Series JRC technical reports (1) IFPRI discussion paper (1) IFPRI Discussion Paper (1)