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Schramm-Klein, Hanna Swoboda, Bernhard Zentes, Joachim Rudolph, Thomas Foscht, Thomas Schnedlitz, Peter Grünig, Rudolf Schu, Matthias Schmid, David Wu, Juan Olejnik, Edith Keane, Marta Schramm-Klein, Hanna Schnedlitz, Peter Bich Ngoc Le Schlüter, Andrea Steinhauer, Ruth Meierer, Markus Haelsig, Frank Krebs, Juliane Domma, Peter Wepfer, Valentin Schu, Matthhias Kessler, Dirk Freer, Tatjana Steinmann, Sascha Puchert, Cathrin Schmid, David Jovanovic, Jelena Montani, Maude Kühn, Richard Jovanovic, Jelena Wang, Daojuan De Thomas Wagner, Finn Liebmann, Hans-Peter All co-authors strategic einzelhandel european marketing university developing planning executives strategy strategies business companies text cases internationales publication foreign corporate case students europa analysis retailers empirical online internationalization manuscripts new target dirk morschett universität market study process globalisierung authors germany quality researchers concept thomas konsumentenverhalten auslandsinvestition globalization europe handelsforschung fallstudien company book focus group saarbrücken going perspektiven internationalen modes issues professor large aim publish interesting innovativeness lecturers knowledge transfer remains saarlandes handelsmanagement role markets theoretical research retailer desinvestition based
Composed terms retail research european retail multinationales unternehmen retail trade transnational corporation strategisches management strategic management retail executives corporate social responsibility management text internationales management dirk morschett eu staaten eu countries strategic international retail researchers researchers retail retail students executives retail consumer behaviour foreign investment internationaler markteintritt international market entry strategic retail online retailing international management internationales marketing online handel foreign subsidiary international strategies retail management text international international cases text cases case study aim european research publish publish interesting interesting manuscripts manuscripts quality quality innovativeness innovativeness focus focus retail retail lecturers lecturers retail students retail executives target target group group knowledge knowledge transfer transfer retail research retail management remains remains publication publication concept concept european universität saarlandes saarlandes saarbrücken ausländische tochtergesellschaft going international joachim zentes fribourg switzerland hanna schramm schramm klein production sourcing handel internationales emerging economies medium sized case studies new markets based large large scale data case art retail market exit st gallen
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Dirk Morschett Prof. Dr. B: 1970 Biblio: Professor für Internationales Management und Handelsmanagement
Place of Activity: Saarbrücken
Place of Activity: Freiburg im Üechtland
Profession Economist Betriebswirt Hochschullehrer
Affiliations Universität Freiburg (Schweiz)
Publishing years Series SpringerLink / Bücher (17) HandelsMonitor (4) European Retail Research (3) Springer eBook Collection / Business and Economics (3) Lehrbuch (2) Working papers SES (1) Springer eBook Collection (1) Management/business for professionals (1) Retailing and international marketing (1) HandelsMonitor ... (1) mir-Edition (1) Gabler Edition Wissenschaft / mir-Edition (1) Vahlens Handbücher der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften (1) Gabler Edition Wissenschaft (1)