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Frost, Jon Levchenko, Andrei A. Sauré, Philip Cornelli, Giulio Lein, Sarah Burstein, Ariel T. Gambacorta, Leonardo Shin, Hyun Song Monnet, Cyril Schoenle, Raphael Mehrotra, Aaron N. All co-authors prices global market trade evidence domestic countries changes central data globalization blockchain
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Raphael A. Auer Dr. Alternative spellings: Raphael Auer Raphael Anton Auer B: 1978 Biblio: president of the Central Bank Research AssociationPlace of Activity: Zürich
Profession Economist
Affiliations Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich Centre for Economic Policy Research Schweizerische Nationalbank
Publishing years Series Working papers / Bank for International Settlements (25) CESifo working papers (20) Discussion papers / CEPR (15) SNB working papers (13) Working papers / Studienzentrum Gerzensee (11) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (10) BIS Working Paper (10) CESifo Working Paper (8) CESifo Working Paper Series (7) NBER working paper series (4) Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute Working Paper (4) BIS papers (3) WWZ working paper (3) NBER Working Paper (2) Discussion papers / Research Seminar in International Economics, University of Michigan, School of Public Policy - Department of Economics (2) Research paper series / Swiss Finance Institute (2) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (2) BIS working papers (1) Annual Review of Economics (1) Diskussionsschriften / Universität Bern, Departement Volkswirtschaftlehre (1) Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland working paper series (1) FSI insights on policy implementation (1) Working paper (1) Working papers / Brandeis University, Department of Economics and International Business School (1)