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Koeppl, Thorsten V. Quintin, Erwan Wright, Randall D. Temzelides, Ted Gu, Chao Nosal, Ed Martin, Antoine Shin, Hyun Song Auer, Raphael A. Gottardi, Piero Maurin, Vincent Ahnert, Toni Hoffmann, Peter Keister, Todd Roberds, William Carapella, Francesca Loch-Temzelides, Ted P. Hoerova, Marie Mattesini, Fabrizio Imhof, Stephan Zhang, Shengxing Chiu, Jonathan Garratt, Rod Rice, Tara N. Berentsen, Aleksander Sanches, Daniel R. Gambacorta, Leonardo Frost, Jon Porcellacchia, Davide Leonello, Agnese Assenmacher, Katrin Camera, Gabriele Baele, Lieven Hördahl, Peter Koeppl, Thor Weber, Warren E. Jondeau, Eric Holthausen, Cornelia Mojon, Benoît Buggenum, Hugo van Koeppl, Throsten Manganelli, Simone All co-authors financial optimal model monetary policy geldpolitik central payment market digital risk banks equilibrium contracts dynamic settlement welfare design efficient use zentralbank cost transactions study ledger private trading markets finanzintermediation rule agents bank currency regulations paper lending economy clearing where increase higher zahlungsverkehr money mechanism mechanisms effects public analysis economics frictions rate competition who bankenkrise kreditgeschäft stability counterfeiting structure costly incentive nominal economies using
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Cyril Monnet Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: C. Monnet
Profession Economist
Affiliations Universität Bern Studienzentrum Gerzensee. Department of Economics Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Europäische Zentralbank University of Minnesota Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Publishing years Series Working papers / Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Research Department (11) Diskussionsschriften / Universität Bern, Departement Volkswirtschaftlehre (8) Working papers / Bank for International Settlements (7) FRB of Philadelphia Working Paper (7) Queen's Economics Department working paper (6) Working papers / Studienzentrum Gerzensee (6) Working paper series / European Central Bank (6) Discussion papers / CEPR (4) Working paper series / European Central Bank ; Eurosystem (4) CESifo working papers (4) Finance and economics discussion series (3) ECB Working Paper (2) SNB working papers (2) CESifo Working Paper Series (2) Working paper / Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Research Department (2) Working papers / Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (2) Staff working paper / Bank of Canada (2) BIS Working Paper (2) Research working papers / Research Division, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (1) FRB Atlanta Working Paper (1) CLAE working papers (1) Working paper / Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Research Department (1) Staff reports / Federal Reserve Bank of New York (1) CFS working paper series (1) OFR 22-04 (1) Working paper series / Department of Economics, University of Missouri-Columbia (1) Research paper series / Swiss Finance Institute (1) SEF working paper (1) FEDS Working Paper (1) Annual Review of Economics (1) EUI working paper (1) ESI working papers (1) FRB of Atlanta Working Paper (1)