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Häubl, Gerald Herrmann, Andreas Bergner, Anouk Samantha Pellizzari, Michele Bellis, Emanuel de Laurent-Lucchetti, Jérémy Cacault, Maria Paula Landwehr, Jan Rüdiger Efthymiou, Fotis Busquet, Francesc Bergner, Anouk Schlager, Tobias Ito, Kenichi Castelo, Noah Hoffman, Donna L. Hampton, William H. Schmitt, Bernd Franke, Nikolaus Lieven, Theo Schmutz, Iris Weibel, Michael Sprott, David E. Schmitz, Christian Novak, Thomas P. Spangenberg, Eric R. Walter, Maik Hermann, Andreas Dubach Spiegler, Erica Hundertmark, Sophie Leimeister, Jan Marco Schär, Patrik Meyer, Robert J. Efthymiou, Fotios Valenzuela, Ana Puntoni, Stefano De Freitas, Julian Dietvorst, Berkeley Huh, Young Eun Sweeney, Miriam E. Schmitt, Anuschka Talaifar, Sanaz Tomaino, Geoff Hartmann, Jochen Boegershausen, Johannes Henkel, Alexander P. Zierau, Naim Michahelles, Florian All co-authors konsumentenverhalten consumer product experiment customization conversational education randomized social live streaming konsumenten chatbots beziehungsmarketing schweiz switzerland shapes brand relationships experience distance higher evidence products mass community achievement interaktionen einfluss innerhalb markenführung markenartikel markenimage fernunterricht bildungsniveau studium personalization feldforschung machine talk verbal embodiment performance service bots
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Christian Hildebrand Prof. Dr. phil. B: 1984 Trier Biblio: Ordinarius für Marketing an der Universität St. Gallen
Affiliations Center for Customer Insight, University of St. Gallen Universität Trier Universität St. Gallen
Publishing years Series Netspar academic series (1) Discussion paper series / IZA (1) Discussion papers / CEPR (1)