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Sheth, Jagdish N. Parvatiyar, Atul Wolfe, David B. O'Toole, James Nordfält, Jens Mackey, John Ottley, Gary Buono, Anthony F. Gilbert, Jay Coen Vogel, David Ghrewal, Dhruv Krishnan, Balaji C. Bechwati, Nada Nasr Seth, Jagdish N. Uslay, Can Barbulescu, Adina Roggeveen, Anne L. Agneessens, Jessica Rushing, Haley Miles, Raymond E. Eckschmidt, Thomas Henry, Timothy Gelb, Michael Phillips, Robert Freeman, R. Edward Uslay, Can Suddaby, Roy Pirson, Michael Rocha, Héctor O. Wookey, Charles Adler, Paul S. Felber, Christian Mihr, Ulrich All co-authors conscious business disruptions world global companies purpose capitalism advances marketing era markets kapitalismus unternehmensethik rule stakeholder handbook essays organization customers managing raj sisodia honour jagdish sheth guide customer value society globalization leading practices higher core principles leadership globalisierung strukturwandel marktforschung beziehungsmarketing healing help field tools transforming enhancing creating tectonic future strategies industries evolve revitalize new scholars employees stakeholders behaviour knowledge pace changing ideas environment john mackey book leaders culture best exercises whole foods life good betriebswirtschaftsstudium konsumentenverhalten marketingmanagement schools imagining post pandemic conversation jay coen gilbert raymond miles christian felber paul adler charles wookey competing strategy tensions awakening conscience save engagement consciousness liberating heroic spirit student beliefs attitudes shaping views year students study better
Composed terms corporate social responsibility conscious capitalism business ethics advances marketing handbook advances marketing era era disruptions strategic management raj sisodia disruptions essays essays honour honour jagdish jagdish sheth core principles conscious leadership strategisches management structural change market research relationship marketing global rule field guide marketing creating creating value value customers john mackey higher purpose purpose stakeholder leadership conscious conscious culture whole foods foods market graduate business education consumer behaviour soziale werte social values marketing management business purpose purpose purpose purpose business business schools schools imagining imagining capitalism capitalism post post pandemic pandemic world world conversation conversation jay jay coen coen gilbert gilbert raymond raymond miles miles christian christian felber felber raj sisodia paul paul adler adler charles charles wookey wookey global rule competing competing conscious conscious strategy strategy tensions tensions stakeholder stakeholder handbook sheth handbook sheth healing healing organization organization awakening awakening conscience conscience business business help help save save world world handbook sheth conscious capitalism field guide tools tools transforming organization enhancing heroic spirit business student better way win response james toole
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Rajendra Sisodia Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: Rajendra S. Sisodia R. Sisodia Raj Sisodia Biblio: Cofounder and trustee of Conscious Capitalism, Inc. and professor of marketing at Bentley University
Profession Economist Dozent
Affiliations Conscious Capitalism, Inc Babson College Bentley University
Publishing years Series ProQuest Ebook Central (1) Legends in marketing (1)