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Signorelli, Marcello Marelli, Enrico Jakovlev, A. A. Kolyagina, Alena Pastore, Francesco Caroleo, Floro Ernesto Bartolucci, Francesco Bruno, Giovanni Paas, Tiiu Bashlyk, Alexander Vyglovsky, Oleg Danilenko, Tatiana Bashina, Aleksandra Kayasheva, Elena Parisi, Maria Laura Demyanenko, Artem Bašlyk, A. Vyglovskij, O. Sverchkova, Natalia V. Bukina, Tatiana V. Podkolzina, Elena Anatolʹevna All co-authors regions effects russia russland spatial russian models western eastern hypotheses results jacobs labour economic growth regional marshallian matrix method study indicators unemployment level people comparative market determinants influence main time used data jugendarbeitslosigkeit attitudes
Composed terms western regions spatial effects eastern western regionaler arbeitsmarkt regional labour market youth unemployment marshallian jacobs jacobs effects attitudes immigrants results spatial eastern regions räumliche verteilung spatial distribution räumliche wirkung spatial effect evidence russia level regional regional aggregation estimation method regions russia estonia russia unemployment rate degree concentration concentration diversification effects dominated spatial econometric panel study Öffentlicher auftrag public contract eu staaten eu countries effects stronger stronger evidence russia unemployment unemployment dynamics effects eastern job satisfaction russian regions russian labour test hypotheses depend choice estimation results econometric models models depend macroeconomic indicators socio demographic peoples attitudes nonparametric models nichtparametrisches verfahren nonparametric statistics economic growth dynamics marshallian matrix estimation asymmetric spatial comparative study study estonia country life young people people labour market comparative
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Olʹga Anatolʹevna Demidova Kand. fiz.-mat. nauk Alternative spellings: Olʹga Demidova Olga A. Demidova O. A. Demidova Olga Demidova B: 1966
Profession Economist Dozentin
Affiliations Vysšaja Škola Ėkonomiki
Publishing years Series Routledge studies in labour economics (2) GLO discussion paper (1) Discussion paper series / IZA (1) Higher School of Economics Research Paper (1) Preprinty NIU VŠE (1) Working paper series / University of Tartu, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (1) Basic research program working papers / Series: Economics / National Research University, Higher School of Economics (1)