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Gilli, Manfred Maringer, Dietmar G. Hieronymi, Ottó Lo Cascio, Martino Alleva, Giorgio Guarini, Renato Carbonaro, Isabella Gabus, André Garau, Giorgio Hawthorne, Alexander Kukorelly, Pàl López, Ana M. Pulido San Román, Antonio Sallin-Kornberg, Eugénie All co-authors optimisation models methods heuristics portfolio selection heuristik reward finance heuristic performance particular returns explained problems numerical market pricing alternative cases standard ratio revisited optimization financial
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Enrico Schumann Dr. Biblio: Tätig bei VIP Value Investment Professionals AG, Zug, Switzerland
Profession Economist
Affiliations Universität Basel
Publishing years Series Research paper series / Swiss Finance Institute (1) Fondamenti di scienze sociali non convenzionali (1)