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Gabus, André Kukorelly, Pàl Stephanou, Constantine A. Lo Cascio, Martino Schumann, Enrico Schelbert, Heidi Würgler, Hans Sallin, Eugenie Hattemer, Hermann Barjon, Michel Szabó-Pelsőczi, Miklós Pulido San Román, Antonio Sallin-Kornberg, Eugénie Alleva, Giorgio López, Ana M. Hawthorne, Alexander Gilli, Manfred Garau, Giorgio Carbonaro, Isabella Guarini, Renato Behrmann, Jack N. All co-authors international monetary economic global debt globalization banking wirtschaftspolitik globalisierung new financial political crisis hungary ungarn geldpolitik wirtschaftsreform europa social issue regulatory aspects conference order japan united states european szirak policies policy competition relations national industry dans les book statements schuldenkrise bankpolitik systemtransformation market economy century emilio fontela economist researcher dept held webster university campus bellevue geneva finance agenda reform rebuilding responsibility europe szociális piacgazdaság és magángazdaság kibontakozása magyarországon című konferencia tanulmánykötete március gellért szálló gobelin
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Ottó Hieronymi Alternative spellings: Otto Hieronymi Biblio: Tätig an der Webster Univ., Geneva; Dr, Head of the Program of Economic Analysis and Forecasting, Batelle-Geneva Research Centre (1986)
Publishing years Series Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions (2) Fondamenti di scienze sociali non convenzionali (1) Palgrace Macmillan studies in banking and financial institutions (1) Studies in banking and financial institutions (1) Publikationen des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds aus den Nationalen Forschungsprogrammen (1) Travaux de droit, d'économie, de sociologie et de sciences politiques (1)