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Gaffard, Jean-Luc Musso, Patrick Saraceno, Francesco Patriarca, Fabrizio Bruno, Sergio Vona, Francesco Lega, Elena Patriarca, Fabricio Graffard, Jean-Luc Antonelli, Cristiano Trigilia, Carlo Musso, P. Froeschlé, Claude Jossa, Bruno Becattini, Giacomo All co-authors innovation market equilibrium growth change markets economic strukturwandel gleichgewichtstheorie productivity productive analysis policy wirtschaftswachstum produktivität perverse hicks industrial competition riches structure flexibility perspective revisited new skalenertrag wettbewerb relation public increasing process processes role way financial constraints paradox wage économique page state question view challenge keynesianismus marktwirtschaft non disorder concern globalization ahead capitalism effect richardson human returns accumulation capital institutional technologies money myth technical keynesian technological finance case employment dilemma dynamics hors équilibre innovative choice croissance cycles dynamique systems italy title world idealized reality entrepreneur value order liberalism open argue actually dominant einkommensverteilung kritik criticism finanzkrise wirtschaftskrise umverteilung redistribution globalisierung kapitalismus unternehmensfinanzierung italien lohntheorie geldpolitik schock shock erwerbstätigkeit makroökonometrie macroeconometrics geldtheorie inequality assets economy
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Mario Amendola Prof. Alternative spellings: M. Amendola B: 1938
Profession Economist
Affiliations Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Publishing years Series Document de travail / OFCE (5) Working paper / OFCE (2) Innovation, entrepreneurship and management series (1) Working papers series / Manchester Business School (1) Studi e ricerche (1) Das Produktivitätsparadoxon (1) L' économie hors de l'équilibre (1) Collana di studi economici (1) Diversité technologique et cohérence en Europe (1) Occasional papers / FAST, Forecasting and Assessment in Science and Technology (1) Il Ponte / Biblioteca (1) Struttura ed evoluzione dell'economia italiana / 5 : progetto finalizzato (1) Collection économie contemporaine (1)