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Bellone, Flora Nesta, Lionel Schiavo, Stefano Quéré, Michel Warzynski, Frederic Gaffard, Jean-Luc Amendola, Mario Nesta, Lionel Guerini, Mattia Jabbour, Liza Bruno, Olivier Pisu, Mauro Kiyota, Kōzō Matsuura, Toshiyuki Álvarez, Roberto Polanec, Saso Fariñas García, José Carlos Mañez Castillejo, Juan A. Martín Marcos, Ana Rochina Barrachina, María E. Andersson, Martin Sanchis Llopis, Juan Alberto Damijan, Jože P. Johansson, Sara Greenaway, David Kneller, Richard Pertl, Leonhard Kostevc, Crt Haller, Stefanie Ruane, Frances P. Jørgensen, Rasmus López, Ricardo A. Van Biesebroeck, Johannes Brandt, Loren Zhang, Yifan Fernandes, Ana Margarida Isgut, Alberto E. Kaiser, Ulrich Jaramillo, Patricio Fryges, Helmut Muuls, Mirabelle Castellani, Davide Serti, Francesco Tomasi, Chiara Zanfei, Antonello Wagner, Joachim All co-authors productivity france frankreich produktivität industrie market firm exportwirtschaft distributions firms international level evidence les threshold participation constraints françaises countries french selection export financial exports growth exporters vergleich comparison unternehmenserfolg markteintritt estimation trade effet pro concurrentiel intégration européenne une analyse évolution taux marge dans industries manufacturières comparable impact capital inflation data premia schätztheorie
Composed terms manufacturing industries mark up pricing export sector threshold distributions maximum likelihood estimation fixed costs market participation financial constraints exports productivity market selection sunk costs 1986 2004 firm performance market entry 1990 2002 endogenes wachstumsmodell endogenous growth model distributions market firm level effet pro pro concurrentiel concurrentiel intégration intégration européenne européenne une une analyse analyse évolution évolution taux taux marge marge dans dans les les industries industries manufacturières manufacturières françaises monetary policy parametric distributions of thresholds export decision maximum likelihood schätzung estimation theory capital structure corporate finance 1996 2004 technischer fortschritt technological change estimation threshold trade firm level markups markups location location quality quality matter international productivity productivity gaps gaps export export status status firms firms evidence evidence france france japan productivity comparable comparable evidence evidence countries impact financial survival growth shaped productivity productivity dynamics dynamics french french exporters productivity market selection french french manufacturing manufacturing firms firms nineties selection firm firm life constraints firm micro level market structure capital obsolescence inflation croissance croissance économique parametric distributions specified empirical
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