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Bachmann, Ronald Kluve, Jochen Breidenbach, Philipp Thiel, Patrick Bechara, Peggy Hörnig, Lukas Tamm, Marcus Spengler, Hannes Frings, Hanna Penninger, Marion Bauer, Thomas K. Klick, Larissa Ehlert, Christoph R. Felder, Rahel Kaeding, Matthias Schmidt, Christoph M. Bredtmann, Julia Cohen, Jeffrey P. Treude, Barbara Fremerey, Melinda Berger, Melissa Siegloch, Sebastian Bügelmeyer, Elisabeth Schanne, Norbert Scholz, Theresa Raffer, Christian Ehlert, Christoph Richard Apel, Helmut Bender, Stefan Vom Berge, Philipp Fertig, Michael König, Marion Möller, Joachim Paloyo, Alfredo R. Umkehrer, Matthias Wolter, Stefanie Jacobi, Lena König, Marion All co-authors data germany wage market labour rwi effects job geo german workers minimum real estate labor using rates red time fdz east flows dynamics results effect west differences individual regional level paper report research covers european work advertisements inequality transition
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Sandra Schaffner Dr. B: 1979 Source:
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Profession Wirtschaftsingenieurin
Affiliations Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
Publishing years Series Ruhr economic papers (22) [RWI Projektberichte] (16) Ruhr Economic Paper (9) RWI Datenbeschreibung (6) Discussion paper series / IZA (4) Materialien / RWI (4) RWI Projektbericht (3) IZA Discussion Paper (3) Technical report / Sonderforschungsbereich 475 Komplexitätsreduktion in Multivariaten Datenstrukturen, Universität Dortmund (3) RatSWD working paper series (2) Discussion papers / Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (2) RWI Endbericht (1) SOEP survey papers (1) ZEW discussion papers (1) ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper (1) DICE discussion paper (1) Ruhr Economic Papers (1) IAB-Bibliothek : die Buchreihe des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (1) [RWI Projektbericht] (1) Darmstadt discussion papers in economics : applied research in economics (1)