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Coughlin, Cletus Charles Morrison, Catherine J. Crews, Jonas Clapp, John M. Ross, Stephen L. Schaffner, Sandra Yang, Ke Zabel, Jeffrey E. Win Thanapisitikul Ioannides, Yannis M. Barr, Jason Breidenbach, Philipp Monaco, Kristen A. Friedt, Felix L. Khan, Sarosh R. Osleeb, Jeffrey P. Steinmetz, Seiji S. C. Lopez, David A. Gerrish, William Moran, Eileen Lehner, Laura Galvin, J Robert Ott, Lesli S. Burgess, James Francis Stefos, Theodore Gutkowski, Violeta Banach, Kevin T. Cromley, Robert G. Brown, Mike Danko, Joseph J. LaCour-Little, Michael Kim, Eon Soques, Daniel Harding, John P. Yasar, Mahmut Zhou, Ziqi Feng, Ping Lautier, Jackson P. Lindenthal, Thies LaCour-Little, Michael All co-authors effects housing immobilienpreis prices airport flughafen spatial price time closing noise lärm real house berlin highway using models regressionsanalyse new estate value tegel properties regressions vacancy state values evidence residential
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Jeffrey P. Cohen Dr. Alternative spellings: J. P. Cohen Biblio: Department of Economics, Finance, and Insurance, Barney School of Business, University of Hartford, USA
Profession Economist
Affiliations University of Connecticut. School of Business (Hartford, Conn.)
Publishing years Series Working paper (14) Ruhr economic papers (2) World Scientific series on public policy and technological innovation (1) NBER working paper series (1) The journal of real estate finance and economics (1) Economics Department working paper (1)