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Rudebusch, Glenn D. Swanson, Eric T. Pflueger, Carolin E. Offner, Eric Wilms, Ole Sunderam, Adi Chernov, Mikhail Hamilton, James D. Offner, Eric A. Huber, Daniel Renkel, Marlene Neely, Christopher J. Mueller, Philippe Huber, Daniel Wu, Jing Cynthia Lakdawala, Aeimit Drupp, Moritz A. Wagner, Gernot Hänsel, Martin C. Rudebusch, Glenn Bernanke, Ben Milstein, Eric Sunderam, Aditya Wright, Jonathan H. All co-authors policy monetary term rates fed geldpolitik macroeconomic climate effects evidence rate frequency green surprises zinsstruktur model announcements models new premia prices
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Michael D. Bauer Dr. Alternative spellings: Michael Bauer
Affiliations Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Universität Hamburg. Department Wirtschaftswissenschaften CESifo GmbH Centre for Economic Policy Research University of California, San Diego. Department of Economics Universität St. Gallen
Publishing years Series Working papers series / Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (17) CESifo working papers (14) Discussion papers / CEPR (8) Working paper series / Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (6) CESifo Working Paper (6) NBER working paper series (4) NBER Working Paper (2) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (2) University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics Working Paper (1) CESifo Working Paper Series (1) FRB of St. Louis Working Paper (1) Working paper (1)