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Weller, Paul A. Rapach, David E. Laurent, Sébastien Erdemlioglu, Deniz Lahaye, Jérôme Mizrach, Bruce Marshall McInish, Thomas H. Planchon, Jade Guo, Hui Caldara, Dario Gagnon, Etienne Martínez-García, Enrique Yang, Xiye Dittmar, Robert F. Bauer, Michael D. Beine, Michel Palm, Franz C. Fawley, Brett W. Roy, Amlan Boudt, Kris Whiteman, Charles H. Dueker, Michael Bhattarai, Saroj Ahrens, Maximilian McMahon, Michael Winkelmann, Lars Bibinger, Markus Ivanova, Yuliya Kam Fong Chan Corbae, Dean Bowman, Robert G. Taylor, Mark P. Gradojevic, Nikola Ulrich, Joshua M. Zhou, Guofu Karson, Evan Ulrich, Joshua Tu, Jun Sarno, Lucio Wauters, Marjan Winters, Drew B. Lakdawala, Aeimit K. Bouamara, Nabil Waller, Christopher Wood, Geoffrey Emmons, William R. Fawley, Brett Higbee, Jason Wheelock, David C. Bullard, James B. Dey, S. Rubun Secru, Piet Laurent, S´ebastien Sercu, Piet Famiglietti, Matthew T. Famiglietti, Matthew Corbae, P. D. All co-authors exchange foreign intervention trading returns rules market technical monetary markets central policy rate wechselkurs evidence volatility asset volatilität wechselkurspolitik bank geldpolitik rates unconventional effects analysis devisenmarkt estimation schätzung announcements model sample data financial paper börsenkurs ankündigungseffekt excess federal macroeconomic strategies models significantly performance rule price policies genetic prices wirkungsanalyse explain crisis order large article major period forex zentralbank prognoseverfahren shorts literature long hypothesis studies reserve information results consistent finanzanalyse economic budget treasury programming use world portfolios adaptive implied predictability using tools japan component effect recent target trade assets finanzkrise news systematic reserves real garch forecasts official capm bond factor review staatspapier choices intertemporal return relation
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Christopher J. Neely Alternative spellings: Chris Neely C. J. Neely Christopher Neely Biblio: Assistant Vice President der Research Division, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Working paper (49) FRB St. Louis Working Paper (10) Research Division working papers (9) FRB of St. Louis Working Paper (6) Research and Public Information Division working paper series (5) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper (4) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (2) Discussion papers / CEPR (1) FEDS Working Paper (1) Finance and economics discussion series (1) Working papers series / Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (1) Federal Reserve Board of St. Louis Working Paper (1) International journal of finance & economics : IJFE (1) Working papers / Rutgers University, Department of Economics (1)