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Wiczer, David Moro, Alessio Kuruşçu, Burhanettin Moslehi, Solmaz Guvenen, Fatih Warren, Lawrence Hoshi, Kisho Kasahara, Hiroyuki Makioka, Ryo Kaneda, Michiru Wiczer, David G. Suzuki, Michio Kubota, So Kambayashi, Ryo Suzuki, Michio Yamaguchi, Shintarō Miranda-Pinto, Jorge Han, Yuancheng Takayama, Naoki Mukoyama, Toshihiko Guvenen, Faith All co-authors mismatch skill multidimensional home worker lohnstruktur skills occupational occupation learning arbeitsproduktivität messung measurement lernen berufswahl beruf covid production empirical measure coronavirus strukturwandel job earnings growth structural transformation services occupations haushaltsproduktion evidence japan labor market effects drive productivity portfolio model covid 19 economic non flows churn marriage match predicts data results wages arbeitsmobilität wirkungsanalyse telearbeit telework unternehmenswachstum lohn rise wage inequality firms implications trade heterogeneous markets people movement pharmaceutical interventions who spent stimulus payment personal finance software development twentieth century determines relative peers makes fail succeed broadly factors determine
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Satoshi Tanaka Dr. Biblio: Ph.D. in Economics, Univ. of Minnesota, 2012
Affiliations University of Queensland. School of Economics Australian National University. Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis
Publishing years Series Working paper (4) RIETI discussion paper series (3) CAMA working paper series (2) Working papers / U.S. Census Bureau, Center for Economic Studies (1) FRB St. Louis Working Paper (1) CAMA Working Paper (1) Discussion paper series / A / Institute of Economic Research (1) NBER Working Paper (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1) Discussion paper / Monash University, Department of Economics (1)