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All co-authors democracy great lakes region völkerrechtsverbrechen bürgerkrieg rwanda enforced globalization ruanda entwicklungshilfe look sur attentat development political economy pitfalls dimensions human book armut poverty entwicklungspolitik demokratisierung democratization simbabwe zimbabwe politik rpf did fresh plane attack ignited genocide retour kigali étincelle qui allumé feu génocide aid authoritarianism africa analyse rapport mutsinzi avril contre avion présidentiel rwandais coherent approaches complex emergencies belgium central conflits kivu antecedents enjeux aspects historiques juridiques politiques économiques burundi continuité changement growing role rights operation examines international factors affected horrendous consequences terms violence suffering events area exhibited media news coverage times unreliable takes life adopting independent occasion controversial perspective terrorismus terrorism entwicklungsfinanzierung autoritarismus afrika außenpolitik belgien bodenrecht industrieländer entwicklungsländer grundrecht
Composed terms great lakes lakes region crimes against international law civil war region africa enforced democracy democracy globalization development aid kongo demokratische republik congo democratic republic sur attentat political economy economy great africa pitfalls pitfalls enforced politische unruhen political unrest soziale ungleichheit social inequality development policy große seen afrika region 1970 2002 rpf did did fresh fresh look look plane plane attack attack ignited ignited genocide genocide rwanda rwanda retour retour sur attentat kigali kigali étincelle étincelle qui qui allumé allumé le le feu feu génocide génocide aid aid authoritarianism authoritarianism africa africa development development democracy democracy analyse analyse rapport rapport mutsinzi mutsinzi sur attentat avril avril contre contre avion avion présidentiel présidentiel rwandais rwandais political globalization political globalization coherent coherent approaches approaches complex complex emergencies emergencies belgium belgium great region central central africa africa conflits conflits kivu kivu antecedents antecedents enjeux enjeux aspects aspects historiques historiques dimensions dimensions juridiques juridiques kt kt dimensions dimensions politiques politiques économiques burundi continuité growing role role human human rights events area book takes takes look look life land tenure
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Filip Reyntjens Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: F. Reyntjens B: 1952 Biblio: Emeritus Professor of Law and Politics Institute of Development Policy (IOB), University of Antwerp
Profession Jurist Hochschullehrer
Publishing years Series Working paper (2) Conflits au Kivu (2) Africa now (1) IOB working papers (1) SpringerLink / Bücher (1) Publications / Centre for Development Studies (1) Les cahiers du CEDAF (1)