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Herdt, Tom de Reyntjens, Filip André, Catherine Etambala, Zana Aziza Luzolele Lola Nkakala, Laurent DeHerdt, Tom De Herdt, Tom Cassimon, Danny Luzolele Lola Nkakala, Laurent Van Acker, Frank VanReusel, Veerle Ndayambaje, Elie Megersa, Kelbesa Abdisa Sahn, David E. Tshonda Omasombo, Jean Verschueren, Joris Ansoms, An Marivoet, Wim Buelens, Frans Geenen, Sara Coudere, H. All co-authors pauvreté armut poverty économique kinshasa burundi great lakes region rwanda dans international wirtschaftslage politik ruanda politiques congo political enforced globalization socio politique les zai͏̈re zimbabwe bürgerkrieg simbabwe globalisierung drc entre case transition perspective economy pitfalls regress van evolution guerre une enjeux économiques end
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Stefaan Marysse Alternative spellings: Stefaan L. Marysse St. Marijsse S. Marysse B: 1945 Biblio: Professor für Politische Ökonomie und Entwicklung
Publishing years Series Publications / Centre for Development Studies (13) Conjonctures congolaises ... (2) Cahiers africains (2) Conflits au Kivu (2) Working paper (1) Discussion paper / IOB, Institute of Development Policy and Management, University of Antwerp (1) SpringerLink / Bücher (1) Research paper / Faculty of Applied Economics, University of Antwerp (1) Globalisation, competitiveness and human security (1) Les cahiers du CEDAF (1) Paper (1)