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Cantner, Uwe Savin, Ivan Fontana, Olimpia Mundt, Philipp Inoue, Hiroyasu Amoroso, Sara Prytkova, Ekaterina Dibiaggio, Ludovic Nesta, Lionel Ott, Ingrid Knell, Mark Savona, Maria Ciarli, Tommaso Steinmueller, William Edward Graf, Holger All co-authors technologies dynamics value market selection purpose innovation gpts firms global study technological markets view change knowledge slowdown industries lock data economic performance funded policy chain chains linked replicator analysis based growth nature participation empirical level trends innovationsdiffusion disruptive design diffusion structural paper evidence industry dissertation public understanding teaming investors research new set gpg topics related using number players publicly collaborations hand increases terms publications projects innovative offer schumpeterismus european perspective industrial strategic remote sensing productivity tools concepts production pervasive schumpeterian considered information relevant time while long including sectors focus support different activities common opportunities role academic identified model concept literature produktivität evolutionsökonomik institutionalise autonomy green transition text goods effects digital large good bad compositional modeling explaining puzzles applications provision topic identify evolution technology develop affinity sector chapter waves insights test
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Simone Vannuccini Dr. rer. pol. Alternative spellings: S. Vannuccini B: 1985 Pistoia Biblio: Lecturer in Economics, Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex Business School, University of Sussex, UK ; Dissertation, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 2016
Affiliations Université Côte d'Azur Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Publishing years Series Jena economics research papers (4) Working paper (2) BERG working paper series (1) SWPS 20, 2019 (1) JRC working papers on corporate r&d and innovation (CoRDI) (1) Working paper series in economics (1)