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Damijan, Jože P. Rojec, Matija Majcen, Boris Biffl, Gudrun Vannuccini, Simone Gauselmann, Andrea Stephan, Johannes Hauknes, Johan Fagerberg, Jan Srholec, Martin Bjerkholt, Olav Radošević, Slavo All co-authors osteuropa transition auslandsinvestition fdi countries technologietransfer innovation evidence systemtransformation change europe technology disruptive firm direct effects economic schätzung estimation technological heterogeneity micro productivity produktivität concepts impact spillover eastern important trade structural transfer growth technologies schumpeterismus wirtschaftswachstum tools understanding central employment slovenia horizontal vertical role accumulation transferring panel data adjustments prospects market economies chapter radical long techno innovationsdiffusion beschäftigungseffekt japan wissenstransfer slowenien wirtschaftsreform schumpeter friedrich list american minsky financial instability hypothesis walrasian drives iwh database embodied knowledge sectoral linkages inputoutput approach interaction low tech industries thought foundations modern methods competitiveness nations prosper while fall ragnar frisch origin input output analysis foreign ownership closing gap estonia kaldor verdoorn law fies economics political economy transitions socialist appraisals mechanism nature help run map profound socio
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Mark Knell Alternative spellings: M. Knell B: 1956 Biblio: Tätig an der De Montford Univ., Leicester, UK
Affiliations Norsk Institutt for Studier av Innovasjon, Forskning og Utdanning (Oslo) Middlebury College Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche
Publishing years Series Working paper / Institute for Economic Research (3) WIFO working papers (2) The Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies series (2) Jena economics research papers (1) LICOS discussion paper series / LICOS Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance : discussion paper (1) William Davidson Institute working papers series (1)