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Frisch, Ragnar Aslaksen, Iulie Strøm, Steinar Kieffer-Dupont, Ariane Cappelen, Ådne Gleditsch, Nils Petter Haavelmo, Trygve M. Kurz, Heinz D. Qin, Duo Olsen, Øystein Gjelsvik, Eystein Thonstad, Knut Lorentsen, Lorents Longva, Svein Offerdal, Erik Rosted, Jørgen Aaberge, Rolf Wennemo, Tom Vislie, Jon Olsen, Øystein Johnsen, Torgeir Parisi Acquaviva, Daniela Thonstad, Tore Andvig, Jens Christopher Nerlove, Marc L. Førsund, Finn R. Holmøy, Erling Layrisse de Niculescu, Irene Knell, Mark Dupont-Kieffer, Ariane Qin, Duo Lie, Einar Klein, Lawrence Robert Longva, Svein All co-authors frisch econometric ragnar norwegen norway oil Ökonometrie society econometrics haavelmo approach cowles gas economic trygve commission analysis article norwegian meeting years macroeconomic dynamic european paper early yale lectures university model klein role research chapter marschak lecture journal market founded axiomatic notes international national natural economy account came leontief input output jacob countries study influence work ideas erdölindustrie economics business models planning methods resources policy world modelling applied energy certainty equivalence petroleum revenues series wirtschaftswissenschaft Ölmarkt economists founding lausanne cycle probability path rise management using association end
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Olav Bjerkholt Prof. B: 1942 D: 2020
Profession Economist
Affiliations Universitetet i Oslo. Økonomisk institutt Norwegen. Statistisk sentralbyrå
Publishing years Series Memorandum / Department of Economics, University of Oslo (13) Routledge studies in the history of economics (4) Samfunnsøkonomiske studier (2) Foundations of modern econometrics (2) Memorandum from Department of Economics, University of Oslo (1) Artikler fra Statistisk Sentralbyrå (1) International studies in economics and econometrics : ISEE (1) International Studies in Economics and Econometrics (1) Contributions to economic analysis (1) Memorandum from Department of Economics (1) International Studies in Economic Modelling (1) Discussion papers / Statistics Norway, Research Department (1) International studies in economic modelling (1) Rapporter / Statistisk Sentralbyrå (1) Economists of the twentieth century (1) Empirical models and policy making (1) Economic systems research : journal of the International Input-Output Association (1) Working paper (1) PRIO-Publication, [PRIO-Publikasjon], International Peace Research Institute (1)