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Robertson, Peter E. Schmitt, Nicolas Courchene, Thomas J. Xu, Jessica Y. Easton, Stephen T. Cox, David Keay, Ian Taylor, Jim Feenstra, Robert C. Whalley, John Olewiler, Nancy D. Gilbert, Richard J. Appelbaum, Elie Boadway, Robin W. De Melo, Jaime Arnott, Richard Urata, Shūjirō Purvis, Douglas D. Grais, Wafik M. Deardorff, Alan V. Kwakwa, Victoria Lewis, Frank D. Boothe, Paul Michael Sharpe, Andrew Bernstein, Jeffrey Ian Robinson, Catherine Oum, Tae Hoon Gillen, David Wong, Melissa Harris, Richard All co-authors trade canadian canada asia policy productivity economic pacific produktivität economy north humankapital growth region handelsliberalisierung effects market equilibrium american dynamic
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Richard G. Harris Alternative spellings: Richard Glen Harris Richard Glen Harris Richard Harris B: 1949 Biblio: Tätig im Dep. of Economics, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, B.C., Canada; tätig an der Queen's Univ.; Telus Prof. of Economics
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Discussion paper / Institute for Economic Research, Queen's University (14) Discussion paper / School of Economics, The University of New South Wales (4) Discussion paper / Centre for International Economic Studies, University of Adelaide (3) Discussion paper / Industry Canada (2) The Industry Canada research series (2) Carleton Library series (1) Modelling North American free trade (1) The collected research studies / Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada (1) Seminar discussion paper / Research Seminar in International Economics, Department of Economics, University of Michigan (1) Working papers / OECD, Economics and Statistics Department (1) OECD Economics Department Working Papers (1) PEAP policy study (1) The social policy challenge (1) Benefactors lecture (1) Policy forum series (1) Essays in international economics in honour of Douglas Purvis (1) Seminar paper (1) Policy study (1) Industry Canada research publications program (1) Discussion paper / The University of Western Australia, Business School, Economics (1) Discussion paper (1)