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Osberg, Lars Murray, Alexander Hazell, Elspeth St.-Hilaire, France Eren, Selcuk Masterson, Thomas Zacharias, Ajit Wolff, Edward N. Banting, Keith G. Uguccioni, James Arsenault, Jean-François Fard, Shahrzad Mobasher Harrison, Peter Gharani, Leila Rao, Ponugoti Someshwar Evans, Benjamin Blanco Iglesias, Cristina Tang, Jianmin Smith, Jeremy Osberg, Lars Zyblock, Myles Grady, Patrick Riddell, William Craig Gunderson, Morley Maddison, Angus Bernstein, Jeffrey Ian Harris, Richard G. Grignon, Louis Slater, David W. Madrick, Jeffrey G. Sargent, Timothy C. Ershov, Daniel Kim, Myeongwan Williams, David Peacock, Ken Lecours, André Thunert, Martin Tedds, Lindsay M. Wong, Kimberly Stephens, Alex Johnston, Nicole Arsenault, Jean-Francois Tsang, John Beard, Richard Kim, Myeongwan Drummond, Don Mask, Nicolas Shariati, Alisaleh Thomson, Eric Seccareccia, Mario All co-authors canada economic productivity produktivität growth states lebensstandard united measure limew arbeitsproduktivität comparison vergleich canadian index einkommensverteilung living standards gap review performance analysis household messung measurement wirtschaftswachstum overview new levy institute introduction trends relative median equivalent percent lower lebensqualität indexberechnung economy state linkages
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Andrew Sharpe Biblio: Exec. director des Centre for the Study of Living Standards, Ottawa ; tätig am Centre Canadien du Marché du Travail et de la Productivité ; tätig an der Univ. of Ottawa
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series CSLS research reports (23) Working papers / The Levy Economics Institute (2) ILO working paper (1) Sustainable Governance Indicators (1) Levy Economics Institute of Bard College Working Paper (1) Levy Economics Institute, Working Paper (1) Nexus (1) Working paper series / Luxembourg Income Study (1) Research paper / Applied Research Branch, Strategic Policy, Human Resources Development Canada (1) Income distribution in NAFTA countries (1) Le rôle de la dette dans l'économie capitaliste (1)