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7 records from EconBiz based on author Name
1. Ethical dilemma scenarios and emerging technologies
Wright, David; Finn, Rachel L.; Gellert, Raphael; Gutwirth, Serge; Schütz, Philip;2014
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
2. Deliverable D1: Legal, social, economic and ethical conceptualisations of privacy and data protection : project acronym: PRESCIENT ; project title: Privacy and emerging fields of science and technology: Towards a common framework for privacy and ethical assessment ; project number: 244779 ; programme: Seventh Framework Programme for research and technological development ; report
Gutwirth, Serge; Gellert, Raphael; Bellanova, Rocco; Friedewald, Michael; Schütz, Philip;2011
Type: Forschungsbericht; Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;
3. Precaution and privacy impact assessment as modes towards risk governance
Wright, David; Gellert, Raphae͏̈l; Gutwirth, Serge; Friedewald, Michael;2011
Type: Aufsatz im Buch; Book section;
4. Deliverable D1: Legal, social, economic and ethical conceptualisations of privacy and data protection : project acronym: PRESCIENT ; project title: Privacy and emerging fields of science and technology: Towards a common framework for privacy and ethical assessment ; project number: 244779 ; programme: Seventh Framework Programme for research and technological development ; report
Gutwirth, Serge;2011
5. Privacy and trust in the ubiquitous Information Society : analysis of the impact of convergent and pervasive ICT on privacy and data protection and needs and options for development of the legal framework
Friedewald, Michael; Leimbach, Timo; Wright, David; Gutwirth, Serge; Hert, Paul de;2009
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Gutachten; Advisory report;
6. Introduction to special section: Governing privacy and data protection issues of emerging technologies-super-1
Friedewald, Michael; Gutwirth, Serge;2013
Availability: Link
7. Shining light on the dark side of ambient intelligence
Wright, David; Gutwirth, Serge; Friedewald, Michael;2007
Type: viewpoint;
Availability: Link