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DiNardo, John E. Ashenfelter, Orley Bertrand, Marianne Ehrenberg, Ronald G. Pischke, Jörn-Steffen Seeber, Ronald Leroy Farber, Henry S. Olson, Craig A. Whelan, Kenneth T. Arnould, Richard J. Murphy, Kevin James Whelan, Kenneth Oyer, Paul E. Webber, Douglas A. Billger, Sherrilyn M. Hendricks, Wallace E. Koenker, Roger Broadbent, Emir Sosa Escudero, Walter Arias, Omar Butcher, Kristin F. Moretti, Enrico Garibaldi, Pietro Reck, Clayton G. Madalozza, Regina Riddell, Chris Florin, Beth Strain, Michael R. Klein, Felice B. Waldman, Michael Jin, Xin Smith, Robert S. Card, David E. All co-authors managers führungskräfte employees pay compensation labor program executive data using model stock market employee employment higher strikes workers early retirement unionization lower value wages lohn job gap wage firms gewerkschaft adverse selection options information percent managerial loss hospitals relationship large increases lohnstruktur arbeitsmarkt nonprofit evidence economics effects firm performance union unionized negative associated period
Composed terms early retirement labor market trade union wage structure retirement program labour market job loss performance pay firm performance relationship employment share price union membership nonprofit organisation nonprofit organization compensation system managerial pay stock prices gender gap nonprofit hospitals adverse selection selection incentives incentives early hmo penetration adverse selektion flexible altersgrenze flexible retirement retirement provision managed care market managers executive compensation stock options financial markets employment wages unionized firms fewer managers retirement incentive incentive program exercise behavior announcement effect corporate governance loss announcements announcements stock gap corporate corporate jobs care change hospitals evidence managerial labor unions labor program adverse unions mattered impact strikes strikes financial executive pay quantile regression economics executive stock price examine relationship compensation managers managers ceos ceos presence
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