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Kreif, Noemi Lordemus, Samuel Diaz, Maria Dolores Montoya Rocha, Fabiana Pereda, Paula Carvalho Árabe, Isadora Bousquat Cavalcanti, Filipe Suhrcke, Marc Diaz-Ordaz, Karla Sculpher, Mark Revill, Paul Postali, Fernando Antonio Slaibe Hidayat, Taufik Mirelman, Andrew Love-Koh, James Teixeira, Adriano Dutra Ferreira-Batista, Natalia Nunes Goddard, Maria All co-authors policy health wirkungsanalyse public entwicklungsländer covid violence women current knowledge gaps implications evidence gewalt coronavirus frauen
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Rodrigo Moreno-Serra Biblio: Phd in Economics von der Universität York. Seit 2016 Associate Professor in Global Health Economics an der Universität York, England.
Affiliations University of York
Publishing years Series Working papers / Department of Economics, University of São Paulo (FEA-USP) (1) CHE research paper (1) World Scientific series in global health economics and public policy (1)