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Diaz, Maria Dolores Montoya Nishijima, Marislei Ferreira-Batista, Natalia Nunes Teixeira, Adriano Dutra Moreno-Serra, Rodrigo Aldrighi, Dante Mendes Brasil, Eric Universo Rodrigues Fava, Vera Lucia Rocha, Fabiana Duarte Peixoto, Sandro Garcia Salinas, Delhi Teresa Paiva Carnicelli, Laura Carnicelli, Lauro Love-Koh, James Moreno-Serra, Rodrigo Almeida, Alexandre Nunes de Tavares, Felipe de Sá Picchetti, Paulo All co-authors brazil brasilien oil erdölgewinnung evidence erdölindustrie primary care health tax effort royalties petróleo wirkungsanalyse gesundheit marktlagengewinn impact coverage regional brazilian mercado windfalls fiscal inefficiency nos basisgesundheitsversorgung regulation individual level corporate governance pyramidal ownership role novo rents auctions municipal reduced revenues inputs panel gesundheitswesen gesundheitspolitik eigentümerstruktur realoptionsansatz biomarkers dependence affect wealth study municipalities state rio janeiro worth long run scientific integrity economics journals assessment family program impacts mortality municipality esf metropolitan areas local propensity score analysis structures companies informational gas concession emprego público municípios brasileiros effects public measured incidence dengue assimetrias entre competidores leilões anp decentralization corruption programmes distribuição rendas indicadores desenvolvimento brasil anos consumo serviços médicos marco regulatório seguro saúde brasileiro petroleum development economic growth towns regime investimento opções reais irreversibilidade dos opção issue law
Composed terms oil industry petroleum extraction corporate governance impact assessment primary health care Öffentliche einnahmen public revenue windfall gains primary health evidence brazil impact evaluation care coverage pyramidal ownership role novo brazilian municipalities oil windfalls fiscal effort inefficiency evidence cost benefit analysis health care system health policy ownership structure Ökonomische rente economic rent real options analysis impact primary primary care coverage individual individual health health evidence evidence biomarkers biomarkers brazil brazil oil oil dependence dependence affect affect regional regional wealth wealth regional regional study study municipalities municipalities state state rio rio janeiro janeiro primary health care care worth worth long long run run evidence brazil scientific scientific integrity integrity brazilian brazilian economics economics journals journals primary coverage brazil brazil assessment assessment family family health health program program impacts impacts mortality municipality level level impact impact esf esf coverage coverage health health individual individual level level metropolitan areas corporate governance pyramidal ownership role novo mercado mercado tax tax effort effort oil oil royalties royalties brazilian municipalities oil windfalls local local fiscal effort propensity propensity score score analysis analysis oil tax inefficiency oil gas brazil royalties
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Fernando Antonio Slaibe Postali Alternative spellings: Fernando Postali F. A. S. Postali Fernando Antonio Slaibe Postali Fernando Antonio Postali Slaibe
Profession Economist
Affiliations Universidade de São Paulo. Departamento de Economia
Publishing years Series Working papers / Department of Economics, University of São Paulo (FEA-USP) (7)