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Slottje, Daniel Jonathan Theil, Henri Dufour, Jean-Marie Siklos, Pierre L. Durlauf, Steven N. Baltagi, Badi H. Fitzenberger, Bernd Boadway, Robin W. Dolmas, Jim Helliwell, John F. Marr, William L. Diamond, Eric M. Taylor, Timothy T. Ullah, Aman Url, Thomas Rudnicki, Leszek Broadway, Robin Hamilton, James D. Kunst, Robert M. Veall, Michael R. Ullah, Aman All co-authors economic public zeitreihenanalyse growth new time analysis series data empirical developments demand econometrics energy unit Ökonometrie capital root rate schätztheorie income long run approach inequality structural sensitivity special issue models issues evidence policy linear restrictions model break poverty hypothesis systems recent provide testing modelling aggregate process methods trend nonparametric wirtschaftswachstum modellierung armut india economy past future example business research advances contemporary finance forecasting modeling international persistence estimates random theoretical information bootstrap tests test role increase function results paper shows provides taken implications papers topics book trends fractional integration einheitswurzeltest indien bruttoinlandsprodukt einkommensverteilung wachstumstheorie geldpolitik coefficients productivity slowdown peak window miracle global switching cycle financial economics welfare uncertain velocity money stability overview study output using walk macroeconomic presence change survey methodology simple brief significance levels large louis use complements arbeitsproduktivität size did lag
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Baldev Raj Alternative spellings: B. Raj B: 1941 Biblio: Dep. of Economy, Wilfrid Laurier Univ., Ontario; Wirtschaftswiss. ind. Herkunft
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Advanced studies in theoretical and applied econometrics : ASTA (4) Studies in Empirical Economics (3) Studies in empirical economics (3) Empirical economics : a journal of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria (2) Routledge revivals (1) Working paper / Department of Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University (1) IHS economics series : working paper (1) Symposium on "income inequality, poverty, and economic welfare" (1) Special issue on new developments in time series econometrics (1) Advanced studies in theoretical and applied econometrics (1) Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics (1) Discussion papers / Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (1) Working paper / Department of Econometrics and Operations Research, Monash University (1)