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Badi H. Baltagi Prof. Alternative spellings: Badi Hani Baltagi B. H. Baltagi Badi Hani Baltagi B. Baltagi Badi Baltagi B: 1954
Profession Economist
Affiliations Syracuse University University of Leicester. Department of Economics Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit Texas A&M University University of Houston
Publishing years Series Discussion paper series / IZA (22) IZA Discussion Paper (18) CESifo working papers (14) Center for Policy Research Working Paper (14) Empirical economics : a journal of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria (10) Contributions to economic analysis (9) CESifo Working Paper Series (9) Discussion papers / University of Leicester, Department of Economics (7) Critical concepts in economics (5) Syracuse University Center for Policy Research Working Paper (4) Springer Texts in Business and Economics (3) The international library of critical writings in econometrics (3) Advances in econometrics : a research annual (3) Advances in econometrics (3) Springer texts in business and economics (3) Economics discussion papers (2) Classroom companion: economics (2) CESifo working papers : the international platform of Ludwig-Maximilians University's Center for Economic Studies and the Ifo Institute (2) SpringerLink / Bücher (2) Série scientifique / CIRANO, Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Analyse des Organisations (2) Working paper / Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası (2) Working papers / University of Connecticut, Department of Economics (2) Working papers in economics (2) Discussion paper / Volkswirtschaftliches Forschungszentrum, Deutsche Bundesbank / Series 1, Studies of the Economic Research Center (1) Working paper series / European Central Bank (1) Econometric reviews (1) Journal of econometrics (1) Blackwell Companions to Contemporary Economics Ser (1) Studies in empirical economics (1) Studies in Empirical Economics (1) Advances in Econometrics Ser. (1) CESifo Working Paper (1) Discussion paper / 1 / Deutsche Bundesbank ; Eurosystem (1) ERF working papers series : working paper (1) Discussion paper / Deutsche Bundesbank (1) IAB discussion paper : Beiträge zum wissenschaftlichen Dialog aus dem Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (1) Cahier de recherche (1) Syracuse University Center for Research Policy Working Paper (1) Syracuse University – Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs Center for Policy Research Working Paper (1) SERC discussion paper (1) Advances in Econometrics (1) Cahier scientifique (1) GLO discussion paper (1) Classroom Companion: Economics (1) CSAE working paper / Centre for the Study of African Economies (1) CRREP working paper serie 2017-06 (1) Bundesbank Series 1 Discussion Paper (1) Empirical economics : a quarterly journal of the Institute for Advanced Studies (1) Blackwell companions to contemporary economics (1)