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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Will Bartlett Dr. Alternative spellings: William Bartlett W. J. Bartlett Vil Bartlet Villijam Bartlett William J. Bartlett William Barlett B: 1950 Biblio: London School of Economics and Political Science, London {2010} ; research fellow at the School for Advanced Urban Studies, Univ. of Bristol, researching into the role of quasi-markets in the provision of welfare services ; Reader in social economics, School for Social Policy, Univ. Bristol ; Univ. of Bath, UK
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series EUI working papers (5) Routledge studies in development economics (2) SAUS study (2) Advances in the economic analysis of participatory and labor-managed firms (1) Papers in political economy (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science (1) Working paper / University of Bristol, School for Advanced Urban Studies : WP (1) Studies in decentralisation and quasi-markets (1) Societies and political orders in transition (1) Most : economic policy in transitional economics (1) SpringerLink / Bücher (1) Delovni zvezki / Raziskovalni Center Ekonomske Fakultete (1) Economics working paper (1) New perspectives on South-East Europe (1) Studies in Economic Transition (1) Studies in economic transition (1) Working paper series (1)