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Colombo, Luca Krabbe Nielsen, Carsten Kaas, Leo Bignami, Fernando Tulli, Vanda Bartlett, Will Colombo, Luca V. A. Longo, Michele Motolose, Maurizio DeSanctis, Angela All co-authors model economy growth macroeconomic monetary equilibrium non equity geldpolitik deflationary money assets stochastic managed quantity ungleichgewichtsökonomie makroökonomik macroeconomics gleichgewichtstheorie
Composed terms macroeconomic model monetary policy allgemeines gleichgewicht general equilibrium moral hazard managed economy quantity rationing quantitative easing overlapping generations disequilibrium economics money growth growth production production economy model stochastic stochastic rationing risk averse equity premium endogenes wachstumsmodell endogenous growth model risk premium neoklassische synthese neoclassical synthesis equilibrium theory selbstverwalteter betrieb labour managed firm bank regulation expectations policies policies deflationary deflationary recessions economy multiple multiple assets monopolist problem problem demand non walrasian non tatonnement tatonnement dynamic dynamic macroeconomic labour managed business cycle labor managed economy instability instability indexation equilibrium quantity endogenous growth liquidity trap liquidity preference expectation formation quantitative lockerung monetary theory neutralität des geldes neutrality of money endogenes wirtschaftswachstum
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Gerd Weinrich Assoc. Prof. Alternative spellings: G. Weinrich B: 1950 Biblio: Tätig am Social Science Centre, London, Canada
Affiliations University of Western Ontario Università cattolica del Sacro Cuore Università degli studi Gabriele d'Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara
Publishing years Series CORE discussion paper : DP (3) Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali (1) IHS economics series : working paper (1) Reihe Ökonomie (1) Diskussionsarbeit (1) EUI working papers (1) Europäische Hochschulschriften / 5 (1)