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Kipping, Matthias Üsdiken, Behlül Wallerstedt, Eva Gunnarsson, Elving Lindqvist, Ingvar Sahlin-Andersson, Kerstin Wallenstål-Schoenberg, Maria Hadjikhani, Amjad Pahlberg, Cecilia Persson, Olle Rowlinson, Michael Johansson, Jan Bergström, Reinhold Wadensjö, Eskil Furusten, Staffan Decker, Stephanie Zamagni, Vera Morgan, Glenn Lundh, Gunnar Wedlin, Linda Aljets, Enno Jungerhem, Sven Gläser, Jochen Whitley, Richard osdiken, Behlul Morgeson, Frederick P. Mintzberg, Henry Juillerat, Tina L. Briner, Rob B. Eriksson Lindvall, Carin Ramuz, Raphae͏̈l Hedmo, Tina Danell, Rickard All co-authors schweden sweden business swedish management betriebswirtschaftslehre och education företag betriebswirtschaftsstudium bank multinationella wirtschaftshochschule academic studies banks globalisierung globalization schools markets internationalization organizational knowledge economics organizations forskning wirtschaftswissenschaft historical corporate financial international führungskräfte managers unternehmensberatung aufsatzsammlung presseverlag zeitung special action market media changing higher minerva case countries models environment industrial för newspaper organisation ekonomisk structure führungskräfteentwicklung hochschule führungsstil wirtschaftsstudium wirtschaftsforschung unternehmen führungsorganisation organisationstheorie field issue introduction research change regulators actors scrutinizers emergence defining consultants university leaders services turbulent practice perspectives meets lars global evaluation expansion industry foreign banking perspective world context hand bridge forschung organisatoriska administration till drift response resource dependence ekonomiska newspapers results erik vahlne politik fredrik internationella unternehmensnetzwerk definition bibliometrie wirtschaftsforschungsinstitut
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Lars Engwall Alternative spellings: Lars Otto Victor Engwall B: 1942 Biblio: Schwed. Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
Affiliations Uppsala universitet
Publishing years Series Working paper / Department of Business Administration, University of Uppsala (14) Studia oeconomiae negotiorum (6) Reprint series / Företagsekonomiska Institutionen vid Uppsala Universitet (6) Routledge studies in corporate governance (2) Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis / Studia oeconomiae negotiorum (2) Routledge advances in management and business studies (1) Working paper / European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (1)