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Andersson, Pernilla Andersson, Fredrik Edebalk, Per Gunnar Gerdes, Christer Andersson Joona, Pernilla Olofsson, Jonas Hernæs, Erik Eriksson, Tor Bjørn, Niels Henning Sjögren Lindquist, Gabriella Lundahl, Mats Çelikaksoy, Aycan Lindquist, Gabriella Sjögren Zareei, Afsaneh Rein, Martin Edin, Per-Anders Holmlund, Bertil Björklund, Anders Schober, Karen Jonung, Lars König, Stefanie Schönbeck, Simon Falahi, Mohammad Ali Sadati, Saeed Malek Schröder, Lena Persson, Inga Ahmed, Ali M. Thoursie, Anna Asplund, Rita Barth, Erling Smith, Nina Lindström, Therese Laitinen Ekberg, Jan Bengtsson, Mats G. Palmer, Edward E. Johannesson, Jan Tilton, Tim Engwall, Lars Coleman, David Orrje, Helena Orrje, Helena Bengtsson, Mats Heijne, Hedvig Pelling, Lisa Fredriksson, Peter Boulanger Martel, Simon Pierre Niknami, Susan Doyle, Nicola All co-authors schweden sweden market self labour who arbeitsmarkt labor countries employed employees immigrants arbeitsmarktpolitik sanctions migrants swedish time och policy work workers arbeitsmigranten migranten nordeuropa study state different effects economic number paper pension development age years welfare higher employment wage older country immigrant nordic public born dänemark early denmark retirement data women men arbeitslosigkeit unemployment working people natives altersgrenze einwanderung unaccompanied immigration occupational unemployed composition arrived using lower important selbstständige case economy states social incomes increased groups main share probability non youths markets refugee new sector exit terms percent focus predicted altersvorsorge lohnstruktur sozialversicherung international arbetsmarknaden experiences research minors agency
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Eskil Wadensjö Prof. Alternative spellings: Eskil Wadensjoe B: 1944 Biblio: Tätig in dem Swed. Inst. for Soc. Res. (SOFI), Univ. of Stockholm ; Tätig in dem IZA Bonn, Germany ; SULCIS (Stockholm Linnaeus Center for Integration Studies)
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Discussion paper series / IZA (31) Reprint series / Swedish Institute for Social Research (17) Meddelande / Institutet för Social Forskning (13) From school to work in the Nordic countries, ed. by Eskil Wadensjö (4) TemaNord (3) Working paper / Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) (3) Leaving the labour market early in the welfare state, ed. by Eskil Wadensjö (2) Discussion papers / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, International Institute of Management / Labour market policy = Arbeitsmarktpolitik (2) Study / Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (1) Rapporter / Svenska Institutet för Europapolitiska Studier (1) Working paper series / Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, University of Lund (1) Wage differentials in the Nordic countries, ed. by Niels Westerg°ard-Nielsen (1) Rapport ... från Expertgruppen för arbetsmarknadspolitiska utvärderingsstudier (EFA) (1) NORD (1) Dialogos Express (1) Departementsserien (1) Discussion papers / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, International Institute of Management (1) Särtrycksserie (1)