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Barth, Erling Lilja, Reija Kauhanen, Antti Napari, Sami Albæk, Karsten Vanhala, Pekka Bingley, Paul Lundborg, Per Nilsen, Kjersti Misje Strøm, Marte Araï, Mahmood Vanhala, Pekka Lindahl, Lena Westergård-Nielsen, Niels C. Skalli, Ali Mastekaasa, Arne Le Grand, Carl Wadensjö, Eskil Smith, Nina Strøjer Madsen, Erik Vuori, Synnöve Theodossiou, Ioannis Sloane, Peter J. Nåås, Svein-Olav Persson, Inga Eriksson, Tor Ben Adbelkarim, Oussama Petersen, Trond Milgrom, Eva M. Meyersson Heshmati, Almas Lööf, Hans Oksanen, Jenni Ben-Abdelkarim, Oussama Maliranta, Mika Koistinen, Pertti Kettunen, Juha All co-authors wage finland finnland capital human humankapital lohnstruktur labour finnish market countries analysis gaps wages workers lohn sector differentials earnings gap
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Rita Asplund Alternative spellings: R. Asplund B: 1956 Biblio: Tätig am ETLA, Research Inst. of the Finnish Economy, Helsinki
Publishing years Series Keskusteluaiheita / Elinkeinoelämän Tutkimuslaitos (28) Elinkeinoelämän Tutkimuslaitos / B (12) ETLA raportit (3) Wage differentials in the Nordic countries, ed. by Niels Westerg°ard-Nielsen (3) Discussion paper series / IZA (1) Raportti (1) IZA Discussion Paper (1) SSE EFI working paper series in economics and finance (1) Elinkeinoelämän Tutkimoslaitos / A (1)