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Fredriksson, Peter Holmlund, Bertil Åslund, Olof Agell, Jonas Evans, Tiernan Graetz, Georg Hernnäs, Sofia Michaels, Guy Albrecht, James W. Nybom, Martin Richardson, Katarina Vroman, Susan B. Vredin, Anders Nordström Skans, Oskar Öckert, Björn Grönqvist, Hans Berg, Lennart Forslund, Anders Gustavsson, Magnus LaLonde, Robert John Lundborg, Per Englund, Peter Östros, Thomas Chen, Paul Zetterberg, Johnny Bergström, Reinhold Björklund, Anders Ohlsson, Henry Nynabb, Jenny Lee, Jiwon Selin, Håkan Fernández, Raquel Skogmann Thoursie, Peter Wadensjö, Eskil Arai, Mahmood Feenstra, Robert C. Krueger, Alan B. Lagerström, Jonas Topel, Robert H. Sundström, Marianne Gottfries, Nils Gronqvist, Hans Svanberg, Hans Ockert, Bjorn Clark, Melissa A. All co-authors schweden sweden wage evidence skill non cognitive immigrants swedish market policy data lohnstruktur time changes effects increase labor workers leave individual occupational gap tax parental immigrant return unemployment relative economic arbeitslosigkeit reform wages differentials share losses examine immigration migrants arbeitsmarktpolitik migranten decline structure women einwanderung consequences ethnic effect industry using increased lohn arbeitsmarkt school demand distribution changed skills success trade outcomes administrative highly initial period returns gender neighborhoods placement dispersion youth men declines population percent particularly performance refugee paper schätzung estimation geschlecht bildungsertrag student natural experiment policies countries increasing factors associated use compared partly increases characteristics neighborhood income einkommensverteilung qualifikation arbeitsmobilität fraueneinkommen einkommen linda issue asset programs recent households inter plant role uptake
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Per-Anders Edin B: 1957 Biblio: Tätig am Dept. of Economics, Univ. Uppsala
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Working paper / Department of Economics, Uppsala University (34) Working papers / Department of Economics, Uppsala University (11) Working paper / IFAU - Institute for Labour Market Policy Evaluation (5) Discussion paper series / IZA (4) Working papers / Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (3) IZA Discussion Paper (3) Working paper / Trade Union Institute for Economic Research (2) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (2) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (2) NBER working paper series (1) Document de treball de l'IEB (1) Discussion papers / CEPR (1) Labour economics : official journal of the European Association of Labour Economists (1) CESifo Working Paper (1) CESifo working papers (1) Working papers in economics and econometrics (1) Långtidsutredningen (1) Discussion paper (1) Studia oeconomica Upsaliensia (1)